
Week commencing 29th April 2024

How lovely it was to have out classroom back! We have made the most of it and have completed some fantastic work this week. In English we have completed our work on the Building Boy. We finished reading the story and loved that the boy achieved his dreams and goals at the end of it. Some of our predictions were entirely correct, he did build a robot Grandma! We spent Friday listening to and story mapping the traditional tale of Little Red Riding Hood. This will support us as we move on to our next piece of narrative writing. We were wonderful at re-telling parts of the story and some of us have absolutely mastered the Big Bad Wolf's voice!


In Maths we completed our learning in position and direction. We will review this before the year is completed and we are continuing to practice knowing our left and right. Please help with this at home if you can! Next week we will begin consolidating our learning for the year. We will revisit place value and addition and subtraction in the coming weeks. 


Week commencing 22nd April 2024


We have had the builders in this week which has meant that we have been completing our learning in all sorts of places whilst the work is completed. The children have been incredible and have shown a real resilience in their learning this week. We have all had to adapt and work well together and I am very impressed! 

In Maths this week we completed our statistics learning with drawing and interpreting pictograms. We had the tricky task of counting in 2's, 5's and 10's which we were able to manage with careful counting and using some blocks to help us. We are moving on to position and direction next week.


In English we have continued our learning around The Building Boy. We had another experience lesson when we talked about losing a loved one. We talked about all of the people we love and why we love them. From the answers the children gave, it is clear we have some amazing grown ups and families at home! We have been focussing on using effective language in our sentences this week, describing the sounds and movement of the wind and using lots of precise adjectives to describe things that our character, Tom, could see. We are hopefully back in our lovely classroom next week for more fantastic learning.


Week commencing 15th April 2024


Wow, what a week in the Everest room! We have spent some time getting to know each other this week and all of the children have settled into their learning beautifully. Well done!

In Maths this week we have been focussing on statistics. We have learned how to use and draw a tally chart and how to interpret and draw tables. We learned that tables are better when the information is countable and that tallys are better when we are gathering data over time. It has been tricky learning but the children have persevered and shown that they are ready to learn.


In English we have begun our new story, The Building boy by Ross Montgomery. We began the week with some beautiful sentences and then we were able to enjoy an experience day where we learned all about being an architect. The children designed new buildings on blueprint paper and followed their own specifications. We had the tallest buildings, the widest buildings, the shiniest building and even the pointiest buildings!

Well done children. You have had a brilliant week!

The Building Boy - Ross Montgomery