
Spring Term 2019

W/C 17th March 2019

On Tuesday it was the 50th Anniversary of 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar.' To celebrate this fantastic book we were involved in the following activities:

                             Understanding of the World- Creating the Life Cycle of a Butterfly

                             Art- Paining Butterflies and looking at symmetry

                             Literacy- Sequencing the story and re-telling the story using props

                             Maths- Counting caterpillars

We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the above activities. This then lead us to search for caterpillars in the garden. We found more ladybirds than we did caterpillars!


W/C 11th March 2019

We have had a very special visitor this week. To follow on from our football project we invited a Boston United Player to come and talk to us.

During his visit he spoke to us about how his career began and how he got scouted for Boston United. All of the children found this talk very engaging and asked some very sensible questions at the end.

We then had time for Tom to show us some of his football skills. His kick ups were very impressive!


W/C 4th March 2019

We have had a very enjoyable week.

Our trip to Farm Kitchen was very exciting and educational. Whilst visiting, we took part in a number of different activities:


  • Planted basil seeds
  • Had our photo taken with the tractor
  • Had a tour around the kitchen- this is  where our school meals are prepared
  • Made garlic and herb bread
  • Ate some tasty snacks and a delicious lunch

 To follow on from our visit to the Farm Kitchen, in Literacy, we read the fable ‘Little Red Hen’.  We discussed whether we would share the bread with our friends if they hadn’t helped us make it. The general vibe was that we would not share the bread!

We then wrote a shopping list for Hayley to inform her of the ingredients we needed to make our own bread. On Thursday we made ‘Hedgehog’ bread. We used scissors to make the spines on the hedgehog and a raisin for his eyes. We hope you enjoyed tasting the bread at home!

Once tasted we then wrote a letter to the animals, telling them how yummy our bread was!

On Friday we had an ICT day. We explored the different apps on the Ipads and used an interactive timer to make sure we could independently take turns with our friends. We also explored drawing on the class Interactive Whiteboard. The children enjoyed drawing pictures whilst exploring colour, pattern and shape.

Thank you for those who attended Parents Evening. We always enjoy the 1:1 conversation as we really get to know you and your child on a deeper level.

During our adult-led activities we will be learning the following:


  • Re-cap set 1 and set 2 sounds
  • Reception High Frequency will be introduced and sent home for you to practice with your child
  • Practice letter formation
  • Sharing stories and talking about what we have read
  • Write simple sentences with a capital letter and full stop
  • Thinking of own ideas and being able to write it down
  • Read back own writing


  • To recognise numbers 0-20 and beyond
  • To represent numbers 0-20 in different ways
  • To count to 20 and beyond
  • Capacity/length/distance/time/money


 W/C 25th February 2019

A great week back for Reception class. We have started the new term with lots of energy and enthusiasm for learning.

We have kicked the week off with our football project- a follow up from before half term!

The children were lucky enough for Lance (who is trained football coach) to take them onto the school field and learn some new skills. The children learnt how to trap the ball if they felt they were loosing control. They also learnt how to dribble the ball and then shoot.

Our Literacy has also linked to football. The children had to write a recount of how they kicked a ball and how they dribbled a ball to shoot. We were really impressed with the standard of writing. 

We have also invited a Lincoln City Footballer to come and teach us some skills. Keep your fingers crossed that they say yes!

W/C 12th February 2019

Thank you for attending our Arts and Crafts session for Valentine's Day. We thoroughly enjoyed watching you share this special time with your child. We had a fantastic turn out, more than anticipated. I think we may need to use the school hall next time!


Due to the positive feedback from this event, watch this space for more parent/child sessions throughout the rest of the year!



Thank you for your kind donations. We put the money towards to the craft materials. 

WC 5th February 2019

We have celebrated Chinese New Year.  Did you know it is the Year of the Pig?

Reception and Nursery joined together to celebrate and take part in lots of different activities to support their understanding of Chinese New Year.

Here are some of the activities that we took part in:

  • Chopping vegetables to make an oriental stir-fry. The children enjoyed the taste of chow mein sauce.
  • Making Chinese dragons
  • Making money wallets to send good fortune to family and friends
  • Practiced writing Chinese numbers
  • Chinese Role-play
  • Practiced using chop sticks as a way of eating
  • Performed a Chinese dragon dance

 Thank you for your kind donations. The money went towards buying the ingredients to make our stir-fry.



Wednesday 13th February- Families are invited to join their child for an afternoon of Valentine Arts and Crafts. See you at 2pm.

A £1 donation will be kindly appreciated for the purchases of materials.

Thank you :)


W/C 28th January 2019

 It has been a very cold week!

We have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the frost and ice outside. We filled a tray with water and waited to see what would happen the following day. The children then wanted to try and melt it. We provided the children with sand and salt. They led their own investigation. They found out that the salt melted the ice quicker than the sand.

Some of the children then chose to write little books about their ice exploration findings. The children produced some fantastic writing.

Bluebots have been very popular this week. We have learnt how to direct them by pressing the arrows. We added words to provide extra challenge. The children had to read the word when the Bluebot landed on a green card.

Some children went onto create their own Bluebot tracks using different sized blocks. They used tubes to create tunnels. Excellent teamwork and critical thinking skills were observed!




W/C 21st January 2019

This week has been all about the human body. Max finding some large paper and asking if we could draw around him sparked this interest.

To extend their learning we provided the children with some books about the human body and began to draw internal organs e.g. brain, heart and stomach.

This led to us learning more about the human body- including the skeleton, germs white/red blood cells. Did you know the human body has 206 bones?

We will continue to follow this interest next week.

Outside, the children have really enjoyed playing team games including football and basketball. To promote mathematical thinking we have encouraged the children to record their goals. We introduced how to tally.

To encourage greater depth we then asked the children:


  • How is the winner? How do you know?
  • If Max scored 10 and McKenzie scored 6... what is the difference?
  • If both children have the same score, who wins? 




W/C 14th January 2019


Lots of wonderful child- led learning has been observed this week.


Here are some of our highlights:

  • Aeroplanes have been created in our ‘tinker’ area. The children carefully planned every detail. The children chose to use door hinges to create seats. One young lady used an elastic band to represent a trampoline.


  • Using baking trays as tens frames has been very successful this week. The children turned it into a game. They rolled the dice and added the correct number of stones onto the tray. The first one to ten was the winner. The children then wrote down the number sentence as an extension.


  • In the water, I challenged some of the boys to estimate how many jugs would fill different size containers. This then led to two boys having a competition on who can write the biggest number. This led to lots of discussion about place value.


  • We have been taking part in some role-play this week. We watched a short video clip about butterflies popping out from a storybook. We then used a large box and sat inside it. The children had to pop out and pretend to be an animal of their choice.  We then wrote a sentence about it.



W/C 7th January 2019

The children have been talking about their Christmas and sharing what family traditions they were involved in and of course what Santa kindly gave them for Christmas.

This term we have introduced a new area in the classroom. It is called the ‘Tinker Table.’  We have provided the children with screwdrivers, different sized screws, wood, bolts, washers, hinges and paper to draw their designs. This area promotes and extends learning in the following ways:


  • Mathematical development- size, length, number, shape
  • Strengthening muscles in hands and fingers ready for writing
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development- following safety rules, taking turns, sharing resources, helping each other, team work
  • Creativity- Using imagination to think of what to create
  • Problems solving, risk taking, thinking of new ideas and perseverance
  • Literacy- designing models , writing labels and instructions
  • Understanding of the world-wood, metals, different purposes

Alongside the importance of our continuous provisions we will continue to learn the following in our group times:


  • Re-cap set 1 sounds and introduce set 2 sounds
  • Reception High Frequency will be introduced and sent home for you to practice with your child
  • Practice letter formation
  • Sharing stories and talking about what we have read
  • Write simple sentences with a capital letter and full stop


  • To recognise numbers 0-20
  • To represent numbers 0-20 in different ways
  • To count to 20 and beyond
  • To identify shapes and talk about their properties
  • One more/one less