
Spring Term 2023


W/C 20th March 23


Spring is in the air!


Mrs Wardell has kindly given us some frogspawn from her pond at home. We are really enjoying learning about the life cycle of a frog and can't wait to see each stage. The children have created their own display to record each stage in their own way.


In maths, we have started learning about odd and even numbers. We used Numberblocks to support our understanding with this. We had to sort the Numberblocks into 'odd blocks' and 'even tops' and then explored finding doubles hiding within the 'even blocks.'


We have also started to learn about farm animals, ready for our trip next term.



W/C 13th March 23

We have had such a busy week in Reception.

We have continued reading 'I Will Not Ever Never Eat a Tomato.' We have written our own individual stories based on this book. We are going to attach them to our classroom door so everyone else can enjoy reading them.

This week has been full of experiences. We loved taking part in the Holi festival and discovered the meaning behind the celebration. Please see school Facebook page for photos. We also enjoyed our walk to the market, where we bought some vegetables for us to taste. We worked together to peel the brussels and then cooked them for us to eat. Some of us loved them and some of us hated them!

We continued our sugar art work this week and decorated biscuits using glace icing. We mixed icing sugar with water and food colouring to change the colour.

In maths we have discovered double numbers and next week we will be exploring odd and even numbers.


W/C 6th March 23

We have had a great week!


In Literacy, we have started to read our new story, 'I will not ever Never eat a tomato.' To hook us in, we tasted some blueberries, mango and honeydew melon. The children loved the mango and particularly enjoyed how juicy and refreshing it was.


We have continued to learn about growing plants and seeds. We explored a variety of fruit and vegetables to search for tiny seeds. We have discovered how potatoes and carrots grow and how they travel from field to fork. The children asked if they could grow their own potatoes, so we have also planted some seed potatoes to see if we can grow lots and lots for us to cook and eat.


In Maths, we have been exploring the composition of number 7 and have been practising our subitising skills.


Well done to the children who have returned their brushing chart. They each received a story book for their fantastic efforts. I would also like to say thank you for the positive feedback that I have received about how useful the brushing charts have been. It is wonderful to hear that the charts and songs have been successful and have encouraged your children to brush their teeth more.


It is not too late to return the signed charts!


Due to the majority of the class being off on World Book Day, I have rearranged it for the last day of term (Tuesday 4th April 23). Please come dressed as your favourite character from a story.


W/C 20th February 23

It has been a busy first week back.

We have started to read our new story, 'The Tiny Seed.' We have really enjoyed this story so far and it has inspired us to plant our own seeds. We are learning how to look after them and are looking forward to watching them grow over time.

On Tuesday, we learnt all about Shrove Tuesday and on Wednesday we made pancakes and enjoyed eating them!

We have also enjoyed drawing our own daffodils in our new Art books. We used pastels to draw what we could see. The children did a great job and showed fantastic observation skills.

Please can all children ensure they have their reading folders and P.E bags in school every day.


W/C 30th January 2023

We have introduced the story 'Little Red.' This story is similar to 'Little Red Riding Hood' but has a twist at the end. Little Red in a little boy who is called Little Red because it is his favourite colour. His grandmother loves to drink ginger beer. When we discussed ginger beer most children did not know what it was or tasted like. We decided to taste some ginger beer. Some children loved it and some disliked it. The children used words such as fiery and spicy to describe the taste- super vocab!


In Maths, we explored 6 and 7 using dice frames. The children now understand that 6 is '5 and 1 more' and 7 is '5 and 2 more.'


We set up a Costa shop in the outdoor area. Quite a few children seem to visit Costa on a regular basis and knew exactly what they needed to do. The children created their own shop with a till and then began to make drinks to sell in the shop.


We have also been learning about the Arctic with a focus on polar bears. We discovered that polar bears have thick fur, large paws and blubber under their skin to keep them warm.




W/C 23rd January 2023

We have been authors this week. We adapted 'Super Milly and the School Day' to create our own story. We started by using Purple Mash to create our main character- Super Indie! We then used a story mountain to help us write the new story. We then completed the story by drawing our own illustrations. We had so much fun creating a story together it inspired us to make own own individual story books!

We have also enjoyed making our own toys. We used paper cups, string and tin foil to make our own cup and ball game. The children have also enjoyed exploring the loose parts outside and have particularly enjoyed using the real screwdrivers.

We had a great day on Friday dressed as superheroes and played lots of super games


W/C 16th January 2023


We have continued to read our story 'Super Milly and the Super School Day.' We have loved pretending to be superheroes and talking about our superpowers. On Tuesday , we received a letter from Superhero HQ asking us if we would be interested in a job as a superhero. We believe we are super enough to get the job so have been writing out our own application forms. We are waiting to hear back to see if we get the job! Next week, we are going to be working together to adapt the story and write a new version.


This week, we have been learning about toys from the past. On Monday, we were very lucky to have Mark Bamford from Sleaford Museum visit us. Mark told us all about toys from 150 years ago. We discovered that toys were primarily made out of wood as there were no plastic toys. We were fascinated to hear that you couldn't buy toys from toy shops and some children even had to make their own toys to play with. We also had the opportunity to play with some of the toys. Next week, we are going to make our own toy to take home and play with.


In Maths, we have been ordering numbers 1-5 and exploring staircase patterns. We had to help teddy get to the top of the stairs by adding one more cube to each step. We also practised writing the numerals 1-5 to match each step.



W/C 9th January 2023


A great week in Reception!


In Literacy, we have started to read our new book 'Super Milly and the Super School Day.'


About this book:


It's Superhero Day at school, and Super Milly can't wait to wow everyone with her costume and amazing powers! The only problem is she can't actually fly, climb buildings or do force fields. But when Superhero Day doesn't go to plan, Milly realises she only needs her super-kindness to save the day.


So far, this book has really ignited lots of great learning. We have designed our own masks and then went on to creating them for us to wear in our role play area. We have really enjoyed pretending to be superheroes. We have also discussed real life superheroes such as emergency service workers. The children impressed me with how they had remembered to ring 999 if they needed help in an emergency.


In Maths, we have been practising our subitising skills and talking about different arrangements of dots. We are getting really good at identifying how many without counting (up to 5).


We have really enjoyed talking about toys we received for Christmas and finding out that a lot of new toys are made out of plastic. We are looking forward to comparing our new toys with toys from the past and finding out what materials they were usually made from.



W/C 5th January 2023

Welcome back!

We hope you all had a fantastic Christmas. The children have come back full of beans and ready to get started with the term ahead! We will be starting our new book on Monday but have already given the children a small clue on what our new story could be about- see photos.

Thank you for sending me photos of new toys that your child received over the Christmas period. Next week, we will be using these photos to support our discussions on toys.

-P.E bags need to be in school on Wednesdays and Fridays
-Children must have water in bottles- no squash please
-Reading books need to be in school every day and will be changed on a Monday.
-Please read with your child as least x3 times a week.