
Summer Term 2022

Summer Term!

PE days will change to Tuesdays  and Thursdays from 6th June 2022- please continue to bring your PE kit into school to change in school.

Hold the date: 29th June Reception and KS1 Sport day.

We will continue to change books in class on Mondays and Fridays. If you need to change your home reading book more often of course we will do this with you.
Your child will receive a home learning book to share with an adult and two phonics books which will be decodable. Please also ask your child questions about the story and talk about any new vocabulary with them, to help their understanding.
Homework will continue to go out on Mondays. Please return on Friday. We continue to work hard with reading and answering questions about the text.  


WC 11th July

In English, we have continued to write noun phrases and experimented with this skill by writing luggage labels for different animals that had been found. We read all of our new book and enjoyed sequencing the story. We added adverbs to sequence and retell the story and tried using some more ambitious adverb choices such as ‘suddenly’ and ‘once’ . We wrote sentences in the present tense as we are getting ready to write instructions about what to do if you find a lost animal!

We are continuing to read as much as we can and use all our phonics knowledge! EVERYONE is always keen to read during ALL of our different lessons - for example reading the questions in Maths and new facts in History! All the teachers have been so pleased with this.

In Maths, we started to learn about time. We have been telling stories using different time words. We have thought carefully about what happens before and after. We have made our own clock with the hour and minute hand. We have done an amazing job telling the time to the hour using clocks and completing written questions. 

In Geography, we looked at where it is hot and cold in the world and the different weather on a typical day. We have recapped on our seasons work which was handy in Maths too when we had o find our birthday month and see what came before and after!)  In History, we ordered pictures to demonstrate how we communicated before the internet was invented. Ask your grandparents what technology was like when they were 6 years old! In PSHE, we have thought about how we've changed as we've grown. We also considered all the things we have learnt to do as we have got older.What a lot you have all achieved in a short amount of time!

In Design and Technology, we were challenged to design a sturdy garage for nursery to use for toy cars. Of course we rose to this challenge admirably and created some super structures! There was enough space for big cars, numerous cars, doors on levers and pulleys and even side doors and sliding windows in the roof!It's amazing what can be made with recycled cardboard, string and tape when young, creative designers get thinking! By the end of the week we managed to enjoy our outdoor area (as it wasn't quite as hot) and we have been busy with our planting area and enjoying all our water play and tidying! 

It is hard to believe we are almost at the end of our school year. We are all feeling a bit sad about the change but we have been appreciating all the lovely things we have done together. On the 19th we will try our new Year 2 classroom and meet our lovely, new teachers. 

Please wear PE kit Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th July, wear suncream and remember your sun hat and water bottle. :)

WC 4th July

We had a busy start to our week completing our final summer assessments. Phew!

In English, we discovered a lost penguin who needed to get home. We worked with a partner to come up with lots of fantastic questions we could ask him. Everyone helped each other to remember our capital letters, correct spellings ( especially of our question words) and of course accurate punctuation. We all wanted to know his name, where he lived and would he like to be our friend? We have also been looking at adjectives in our story and thinking about if we can think of even better choices of descriptive vocabulary.

In Maths, we have now started to count the totals of our groups of coins. We have been using our counting in 2s,5s and 10s to help us. We have been comparing amounts of different groups of coins using our inequality symbols. We have also been recognising notes.

In Geography, we have started to compare climates in the poles and near the equator. In History, we showed off our super knowledge about the internet and what we use it for. We learnt who invented it and what a significant difference this has made to our lives ( ask your child to name him and tell you a fact about him!) In Music, we continued to learn all about Samba!

The weather has started to get really warm - remember your water bottle, put sun cream on and bring a sun hat for play times. 😊🌝

WC 27th June

 We had a busy start to our week doing our summer assessments. Everyone worked really hard and sensibly to do lots of mixed arithmetic and reasoning questions in Maths, Reading comprehensions and an assessment of our Science knowledge.

 We had our wonderful Reception and KS1 sports day on Wednesday. We were lucky with the weather! Thank-you to all the parents for all the support - your children showed resilience and fabulous sporting enthusiasm.

 In English, we published our pamphlets about our environment including some super drawings. We were ready for a a sneak preview of our new book... ‘Lost and Found’ by Oliver Jeffers.

 In Maths, we completed our place value learning and we have started to think about money. We have been recognising coins and ordering them by value.

In Music, we enjoyed more Samba music using instruments. In Science, we were able to explore the Year 1 and Reception garden area to spot the plants growing around us. We are ready to make our own garden maps detailing the plants we identified.

WC 20th June.

In English, we have been preparing to write our own class pamphlet all out how to look after our planet. We used our command writing skills to write our ideas for subheadings. We have also rehearsed writing sentences in the present progressive tense using the suffix ‘ing’! We became very ambitious with our sentences. For example; Everyone is helping to protect our planet by putting rubbish in the bin. We are growing flowers because they are beautiful! I can’t wait to see our pamphlets!

In Maths, we are becoming competent at counting within one hundred. We have been ordering numbers and finding one more and one less than a number. We also had a go at a selection of mixed up place value questions to use all our maths skills.

In RE, there was a a super fun scavenger hunt with Miss Burrows to find lots of clues about all the different religions we have been learning about  (she had been super busy preparing and secretly hiding these!) She then organised the teams to sort and compare them and it created a really fun afternoon of learning. In Music, everyone continued with the fun with some more Samba music - using percussion instruments this time! Next week there will be more clapping the beats using potatoes - ask your child to show you this one tea time! It’s lots of fun! We also joined in the big Virtual sing with the whole school - music certainly lifts everyone’s mood :). In Geography, we are thinking about hot and cold places in the world and starting to think about the different weather and climates. We completed our week by starting our Science learning about plants.

Make sure you check your team colour for our sports day event on Wednesday 29th June.

WC 13th June.

In English, we have enjoyed reading our Dinosaur story to the end. We have been very busy this week! We have written a letter to the man in the story to describe how much lovelier the world is with beautiful flowers and green, tall plants rather than smoke and mess. We got very bossy and gave the dinosaurs lots of commands to clear up the mess! We were very good at this! We finished the week as absolute superstars by trying similes and the possessive apostrophe.We worked in talk partners to write. Some of the ideas were wonderful and made us laugh – here are some examples of our similes….
‘Happiest feelings can spread across the world like a warm kiss on the cheek’.
‘Rain fell over the world like custard on a cake!’
‘People play together like a rainbow’.

In Maths, we have continued to count to one hundred! We have been counting on the number line and using a 100 square. We took it in turns to say the numbers both forwards then backwards – backwards is very tricky! We then thought about tens and ones and started partitioning numbers to see how many tens it had and how many ones. Keep counting on your hundred square in your homework book – can you spot any patterns? Tell your grown up about them 😊

We are doing a great job in our guided reading. We are really focusing on reading for fluency this term alongside our Year 1 key spellings. Keep reading and doing your key spellings at home everyone!

In topic, we have been busy completing our Science work about animals around the world. We had fun looking at lots of photos from our wildlife trip and using some big hoops out on the field to sort them by their features into the different groups. We will be learning about plants next…

In Geography, we finished our learning on oceans, locating them on the globe and the atlas. In History, we learnt about cameras and how they’ve changed. Can you believe they used to have a film inside to wind on? We even predicted what future cameras may look like – we thought a futuristic camera may be on a watch or a necklace or on our sunglasses. In RE, we learnt about the 'Big Bang theory' and acted this out! We finished the week listening to some lively Latin samba music – excellent call and respond.

Happy paddling pool dipping after our very hot week everyone!

WC 6th June

Welcome back after halfterm! What a productive, busy week we have had! It has been fantastic!

In English, we have started reading a new book ‘The Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish’ by Michael Foreman. We had fun travelling to the star in our ‘imaginary rockets‘ and thinking about what we could see there. We also made some great predictions about what might happen next. We have started to compare the two settings on the book - one that has beautiful, green trees and colourful birds and the other that is dark and dismal with smelly, smoky chimneys. We are going to write a letter to think about how to protect the land.

In Maths, we have completed our learning on position and direction by using all our new skills to move objects forwards, backwards, left and right and in different turns. We have now started to rehearse counting to 100! Everyone was very excited to try this! We used counters to group our numbers into tens and ones. 

We have been super busy with phonics this week and completed our phonics assessment. Everyone should be really proud of themselves 😊 - I know all the teachers and Mrs Smith are.

In topic, we have learnt about what different animals eat. We also discussed food chains. We then had an amazing day out on Wednesday to the wildlife park! We were so pleased to hear the zoo keepers sharing all their knowledge with us and we could ask and answer lots of questions! We loved feeding the greedy, splashing penguins and meeting all the wonderful animals including red pandas, crocodiles, snakes wolves, meerkats, owls and eagles! What a super treat we all had. Most children even held the snake! Thankyou to all the children for a great day and for being so sensible.

In PSHE we have thought about what is healthy and unhealthy. In PE, we have been exploring different ways we can move to music and started athletics. We finished the week with a fun scavenger hunt to find clues about three different faiths - Hinduism, Islamic faith and Christianity. The children sorted the different creation stories really well - super team work. 


WC 23rd May 2022.

In English, we have been working hard to write our own story. We all made a great story plan including our own drawings. We worked hard to write the beginning, middle and the end of our story. We carefully thought of our sentences and punctuated them accurately. Children’s characters travelled on boats, trains, aeroplanes and buses to reach a variety of interesting destinations! They took their special object with them on their adventure…. You’ll have to find out what happened next by reading their final published work! Everyone was very proud of their own story and we have added our published work to our writing wall of fame. What super star writers you are becoming year 1! Keep it up!

In Maths, we have continued to rehearse fractions by splitting arrays in different ways. We have been working on mixed up questions about a half and a quarter of different shapes and quantities. We finished the week by starting new learning about position and direction. We loved practically making quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns and we challenged our friend to make different turns using a spoon! Have a go at home to challenge your parents! The children spotted how the quarters are just like a clock face!

We have continued to work hard to rehearse our phonics sounds and everyone has done a superb job - have a go during the holiday with the Phonics QR codes (which are included in your homework book/bag).

In Science, we have been learning about birds and mammals. We have recorded lots of facts and we are certainly going to be experts ready for our class trip to the wildlife park. We can’t wait and we are super excited about this and going on the bus. 😊In History, we thought about the history of television this week. We learnt about who invented it, how it has changed and what we use television for. We drew some excellent pictures to demonstrate these changes. We had a lovely end to our week by dressing up in red, white and blue as our whole school celebrated the imminent Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. We especially enjoyed reading the story of ‘The Queens knickers’ by Nicholas Allan and I especially enjoyed using my most ‘Royal’ voice to read it!!

Happy half term – we hope you enjoy some Summer Sunshine. All the team in Year 1 can’t wait to see you back on the 6th June at 8.30am (for Breakfast bagels, fruit and more learning adventures!)


WC 16th May 2022.

In English, we have been super busy retelling the story of Stanley’s stick and sequencing the story. We have been using fantastic sequencing adverbs to help us. We have now started to innovate the story so we can plan our own version. We finished the week by creating some super noun phrases to describe the new objects we will put in our stories. These included soft,apple-green socks, a ruby-red hat and a silver, round clock to add to the wobbly, twisty stick in Stanley’s story!

In Maths, we have continued to enjoy fraction work. We have now moved on to quarters of shapes and quantities. We have thought carefully about if the parts are equal or not equal? We have also checked how many equal parts we can see/count on different shapes and if we can make a quarter in a different way. We have also been practically working out how we can share counters equally into four groups.

We are working extra hard to rehearse our phonics sounds and use them to help us read lots of words. We have also continued to enjoy our guided reading group texts. Some children have been reading plays and using some different voices to read the different characters which made us all giggle! Super expression Year 1!

In Science, we have become experts on Reptiles! We answered lots of questions to prove our fabulous knowledge. We also had some fun sculpting salt dough snakes and lizards – thinking about the different features they have - we had to roll our snake as this Reptile has no legs! We have also been using paint to print the scales on crocodiles and snakes. In RE, we have compared the Christianity and Islamic Creation story.

In History, we thought about radios this week and how the way we communicate has changed over time. We had a great time trying out the school walkie talkies…. Over and out until next week!

WC 9th May 2022.

All the children have certainly put a smile on our faces in Year 1 this week. They have all been super sensible and worked really hard.

In English, we have completed and published our class ‘Egg Spotters Guide’ neatly and it included some super facts. Lots of children loved writing about the Alligator egg and we are sure Author Emily Gravett would be impressed to see it and see all the writing skills everyone used!
We have now started reading a new story all about Stanley’s stick – we had some super ideas of how a stick can be anything we wish if we use our imagination. Perhaps it will become a magic writing stick to write stories that come true…. Let’s see what happens? The skills we've been using this week to spell new vocabulary, make predictons and write our sentences using adverbs have been super!

In Maths, we have been busy answering lots of mixed-up questions to use all our new multiplication and division skills. We have also started to learn about fractions by making half and finding half of different shapes – it has been great exploring this practically.

In Science, we have been learning about amphibians this week and we got to have a peek at the tadpoles in reception class! They are almost froglets! We learnt lots of interesting facts and recorded the lifecycle. We also reasoned really well about what was the same and what was different between amphibians and fish. In History, we have started to learn about technology and how it has changed since our Grandparents lives. We began by thinking about how we communicate (using phones and computers) and how this has changed significantly! The children were surprised by the size of older computers and phones!

WC 3rd May 2022.

In English, the children have been busy writing facts about all the different bird’s eggs from our story. We had to read the facts, write some short notes and then put our notes into full sentences. What a busy time the class have had! The Duck's egg was certainly a surprise when it it was an Alligator!!

In Maths, we have been grouping counters and also sharing counters. We have been doing this practically and also answering lots of questions in our books. We are getting ready to use some of our new knowledge to move onto fractions next!

In Geography we have continued to learn about the Oceans. We have talked about what an Ocean is, shared ideas and researched what we find beneath the Ocean’s surface. We also had some fun performing our own ‘Five Oceans Music’ – we worked in five different groups to choose and use our instruments to represent each Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean was certainly loud and wild with some powerful crashes compared to the gentle sounds of the Indian Ocean! In Science, we have continued to think about animals - wild and pets. There was some great reasoning about whether some were wild animals or pets; such as a parrot. We also learnt about Fish and recorded the fish lifecycle and made some lovely fish fact posters.

WC 25th April 2022.

A busy week getting back into the swing of things...

In English, we have continued with our new book ‘The odd egg’ by Emily Gravett. We have been writing different sentence types to describe how the different birds may feel about the eggs. The children have been really thoughtful, writing a special note and certificate to the Duck character in the story.  We wanted to tell the Duck what a precious egg we thought he had. It was the biggest and spottiest of all the eggs in the story! We have been trying out using contractions, suffixes and prefixes within our writing. Wow! We had a fabulous little class award ceremony to award our special certificates to Duck! 

We have been busy doing lots of reading, we are recording our answers to comprehension questions and reading words really well using our phonics sounds.

In Maths, we have been making equal and unequal groups. We have added the equal groups to find totals (using very efficient counting in 2s, 5s and 10s 😊) and began to explore what arrays are. We enjoyed counting the rows and columns on Mrs Glaves’ baking trays, chocolate trays, egg boxes as well as on class-room maths equipment! Can you spot any arrays at home?

In Science, we have started our new learning about all the animals around us. We have identified different pets and we did some fabulous reading of riddles to guess the animal. We are looking forward to discussing our own pets (including the home-made ones from our holiday homework!) and we will be discussing the features of pets and what makes them different to wild animals. In Geography, we have continued to learn about the World and we are now learning all about the oceans. Everyone is very enthusiastic and we are getting very good at using a globe and an atlas to locate continents and oceans! In PE, we have also started gymnastics again - we have been exploring how we can use rolling as a movement. 

WC 20th April  2022.

Welcome back for our Summer term! It is so lovely to be back!

Everyone has completed our English learning about our Beegu story – completing a final editing and publishing task. We made a great start back; trying our best with handwriting and remembering our capital letters and full stops on our sentences!

Miss Burrows brought in some very interesting eggs! They were all sorts of sizes, colours and shapes! It was very intriguing and great fun discussing and touching them. We discussed who the eggs may belong to? There were some great predictions about our new book ‘The odd egg’ by Emily Gravett.

In Maths, everyone has done a fabulous job recapping our counting in 2s and 5s. We also started to count in 10s – wow! 

We have enjoyed taking on a challenge in PHSE and found out it can be quite good fun taking on ‘stretchy learning’ and we learnt how it feels good to be successful. We were also impressed by how all the children helped each other. We talked about how it’s ok to find some things tricky but we are still making progress by trying.

We continued with team games in PE (it was lovely now this can now be outside on the big field), created logos in computing and created labelled self-portraits in French and said what we love. We finished the week with RE and our whole school Songkran Water Festival. What super fun! There were so many smiley faces and everyone loved getting sprayed and soaked!