
Summer Term 2023


W.C 10.07.23

Thursday and Friday – Miss Cragg

A funny old week this week. We’ve been mopping up the topic lessons left, right and centre with Science and RE here, there and everywhere. In Maths we’ve continued learning about money, completing lessons on calculating with money and also using different denominations of coins to make one pound. We know there are 100 pennies in £1 and are beginning to recognise the different silver and copper coins we might need. Some of us are still inventing our own coin denominations though, speak to us if you need a 30p coin or a 70p one!

In Science we have completed our learning about plants by labelling pictures of the different parts of a plant and also writing a fact file of everything we know about what plants need to survive (not too much water hey Mr Godson?!), germination, seed dispersal and pollination. In RE we have also completed our learning about the last religion of the year, Judaism. We have learned about the features of the synagogue including the Ark, bimah and eternal light, what Shabbat is and how Jewish people celebrate it every Friday night into Saturday by not working or even turning on the lights and about how 12 year old girls and 13 year old boys celebrate their rite of passage by becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

Just enough time for a PE lesson in the midst of all of this as well as a spelling test and that’s our week done. Speaking of done, no more spellings! That was our last ever spelling test of year 2! Have the weekend off guys, you deserve it.

Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Lawson

In English this week, we have been busy finishing our narratives. We have concluded our story by writing our resolution to the problem. The toys have helped our main character return what he had taken and then go back to their own homes. We ended with our mini story in a story being completed too!

We have also spent a lot of time this week finishing up some of our non-core lessons. In History we have compared the changes of the British Empires in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and then its transition to the Commonwealth under Elizabeth II. We also considered how Elizabeth II changed the way that queens rule including changing the law about the line of succession and making the royal family more accessible to the public!

In Computing, we have been busy working on our Questioning unit of work. We used our pictogram skills from Maths and created one on a spreadsheet all about the homes that we live in. We also used this to answer questions. We have also learnt about binary trees and how to use these to identify objects by using Yes/No questions.


On Wednesday we had our Trip to the Rec! It was soooooo much fun and the children were all amazingly well behaved. We managed to get caught in a couple of rain showers but that didn’t stop us from having LOADS of fun! We then came back and had an ice-cream.



W.C 03.07.23

Thursday and Friday – Miss Cragg

Not much time left in Year 2 now, those weeks are just flying by aren’t they. Another one done and it’s been as busy as usual. In Maths we’ve recapped shape and begun some additional learning on money. We have been comparing 2D and 3D shapes, something that we actually find quite tricky! We’ve been identifying the face names and counting the different types that we can see. In our first money lesson we reminded ourselves of all the values of the coins and notes we know then began to add up and compare different amounts using the inequality symbols < > and =.

In English we have begun writing our own version of the book we have been reading, ‘Toys in Space’. On Thursday we wrote the beginning where we introduced our story and wrote about the toys being left somewhere. On Friday we moved the story on to the middle where the toys were introduced to a new character who had a problem, they had to come up with a plan to help solve. We will continue our writing next week to finish it off, can’t wait to see how it all turns out!

On Thursday afternoon we were lucky enough to watch KS2 have their sports day, we were the perfect cheerleaders supporting our houses and cheering for our friends in the older year groups. On Friday afternoon we had a PE lesson and then finished the week with our spelling test.

Next weeks spellings are as follows for the last test on Friday 13th July:

Leo’s          Grace’s               Santa’s               Eddie’s                Olaf’s


child’s        boy’s                  man’s                 dog’s                   lady’s

Enjoy your weekend and we’ll see you bright and early on Monday morning.


W.C 03.07.23


Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Lawson


We're still motoring along with our work and this week we have been busy planning our own narrative based on "Toys in Space." To begin, we designed our own characters like the toys in the book and then we planned our own story based around them. We had to decide on what the problem, climax and resolution would be!


In Maths, we have finished our work on statistics. We worked on creating and drawing our own pictograms with different scales which meant we had to use our 2, 5 and 10 times table knowledge. It got a bit trickier when the key used halves! We also used this knowledge to answer questions including those difficult "how many more..?" and "how many less..?".


We also completed our Geography unit of work this week. We finished it by comparing the two places: Mugurameno and Sleaford. We considered what was similar about each place such as having schools and houses and how they were different.


On Wednesday, we also took part in our Sports Day! This was so much fun! We completed our Round Robin of activities in the morning and then were lucky enough to have lots of people come and see our races in the afternoon!


W.C. 26.06.23

Mrs Lawson - Monday to Wednesday

In English this week, we have continued with our text of 'Toys in Space'. We have worked on using modal verbs (would, could, should, must) to give the Hoctopize some advice on his toy stealing! We suggested that he give back the toys he has taken from other children as this won't help him find Cuddles. We have also used noun phrases to describe the story of the toys so far. To do this, we created a captain's log imagining we were the toys and journalling their trip hour by hour.

In Maths, we have begun to explore statistics. We looked at tally charts, tables and block charts. We have been making sure to carefully use our previous number knowledge to represent the information carefully. Some of the worded questions tricked us - finding out how many more or how many fewer were tricky!

In Geography, we have explored the human features that we would find in Mugurameno including: schools, shops and houses. We instantly recognised how these were similar and how they were different from those that we would find in Sleaford. This is going to help us a lot for our lesson next week!

In History, we have explored how women were viewed in the Victorian period. We saw that girls did have an education, unlike in the reign on Elizabeth I, but that they were still expected to take the motherly role and stay at home to raise children. We compared this to the role of women today.

In PSHE, we have looked at the changes of life. We have compared the things that a baby would need in comparison to an elderly person but also the similarities between them too.

Don't forget - next Wednesday is Sport's Day! We can't wait for this! 

Thursday and Friday – Miss Cragg

Another week done, well done everyone! In Maths this week we’ve moved on to statistics, definitely not as scary as it sounds. We’ve been exploring pictograms, drawing them and interpreting them too. We understand the importance of a key and are adept at answering questions about pictograms. In English we’ve been introduced to commas, making a list of party items to prepare a party for the Hoctopize in our book, ‘Toys in Space’. Marking our work made me very hungry with all the yummy party food involved! On Friday we went back to our learning about prepositions, this time to describe an alien planet where the Hoctopize might live.

In Science this week we’ve completed an end of year test and then continued our learning about plants, we dismantled some lilies to see if we could identify the parts we learned about last week then looked at the stem in more detail to learn about how water is transported around the flower. In PE we did some practise for sports day, looking at the obstacle course ready for next Wednesday! Just time to squeeze in a spelling test. Here are the words for the next test on Friday 7th July:

can’t          didn’t         hasn’t        couldn’t      it’s

wasn’t        doesn’t       mustn’t      I’ll              she’d

Have a great weekend!

W.C. 19.06.23

Mrs Lawson - Monday to Wednesday

Another week down, we are speeding through this term!

In English this week, we have begun a new book - Toys in Space! However, the children did not know that was what the book was when we began. First we were introduced to a sparkly, silver box that said toys on it. We had to use our prediction and inference skills to work out what it was and where it could have come from - we decided on space! We looked inside and found toys with labels on - we worked out they were lost toys. On Wednesday, we used our noun phrases to describe the toys and create a 'found' poster for them.

In Maths, we have started our next unit of position and direction. We began by looking at the language of position e.g. behind, next to, above, near. We then explored direction and movement. It was a bit trickier when the object was facing a certain way and we had to move them forwards or backwards. Next, we moved onto turns. For this, we had to go back to our knowledge of clockwise and anti-clockwise - again this was tricky but we tried our hardest!!

In our topic lessons this week, we have been busy learning about the changes that will happens as we get older. We have started by exploring the lifecycles we might see in nature such as a chicken's and a frog's. We compared this to a humans: baby, child, teenager, adult, elderly person. We learnt that these changes are not voluntary and happen to everyone as we get older. We wrote about an elderly person we respect too.

Miss Cragg – Thursday and Friday

The weeks are flying by aren’t they, another one ticked off! In Maths we’ve moved on and have been describing movement and turns as well as making patterns by turning shapes. We are working hard to master left and right as well as clockwise and anticlockwise. We’ve recapped some previous learning too remembering quarter, half and three-quarter turns.

In English we’ve begun our new book, ‘Toys in Space’ by Mini Grey. We’ve covered prepositions and looked at using them to describe the toys seeing the night sky for the first time and also used a freeze frame to think about what the characters are saying when a space ship is headed their way. We then wrote statements, questions, exclamations and commands using question marks, exclamation marks and full stops as well as those bossy imperative verbs.

In Science we’ve gone back to finish off our work on plants, this week learning about the parts of a flower and how they reproduce to make new plants. We’ve learned about cross pollination, self pollination, fertilisation and germination, labelled the parts of a plant and classified each part as male or female. In RE we have begun learning about a new religion: Judaism. We learned about how Jewish people pray with a tallit and the tzitzit (knots) on it, that men wear a kippah and that they go to a synagogue. These are our spellings for Friday 30th June:

station       fiction         motion       nation        education

action         injection     caption       fraction      competition

See you next week!

W.C. 12.06.23

Mrs Lawson - Monday to Wednesday

What a week it's been!!

This week, in English, we have taken on the challenge of some tasks which will help us get ready for Year 3! We have been busy transcribing our last two big writes up in neat. This has given us a great opportunity to practice our handwriting as well as making sure that we include any edits or additions that we have made to our draft before writing it up neatly!

In Maths, we have revisited fractions of shapes and numbers! This meant we had to use our multiplication and division knowledge to help us work out the answers. We recapped the difference between the numerator and denominator. We remembered that the denominator shows us how many parts there are!

On Wednesday we had one of the most fun days of Year 2 so far! Rock Kidz came in and we were treated to not only 1 but 2 live shows! We had so much fun singing and dancing and even watching Mr Godson and Mrs Sambridge having a dance off!

Miss Cragg – Thursday and Friday

Lots of recapping our previous learning this week; in Maths we’ve covered addition and subtraction remembering lots of the different possible methods we could use including counting on or counting back, finding the difference, part whole models, bar models and column method. We’ve also continued with our first person recounts of the events of the Great Fire of London in 1666, we’ve read them carefully and edited them with our purple pens. We even got round to copying them out neatly with all of our amendments and adjustments, they look fantastic.

In Science we were editing our writing from previous weeks where we have written up experiments on handling bread to see why hand washing is so important as well as some instruction writing. In PE we have been Tudor dancing as well as learning some track and field events in Athletics ready for Sports Day. We also continued with our HUGE spelling focus on the Year 1 and 2 common exception words. Speaking of spelling, we’re back to normal next week with just the 10 to remember!

careful       playful        thankful     helpful       wonderful

useless       careless      homeless    hopeless     spotless

Have a great weekend!

W.C 05.06.23

Mrs Lawson - Monday to Wednesday

Here we go for the final term of Year 2 - I can't believe how quick the time has gone! We have been super hard working this week (like always!) and have been writing lots and lots. In English, we have written a letter to Mr Mark Bamford from the Sleaford Museum to thank him for coming in to see us just before half term. We have been working extremely hard to get all our skills in that we have learnt across the year! 

In Maths, we have been revisiting lots of things that we have covered across the year. We began by recapping our knowledge of our number bonds to 10 and 20 and were able to use this information to solve related questions and number facts! We then moved on to exploring how we can make the same amount of money using different coins. We did some work to revisit what coins there were and lots of the children made it their task to challenge me as much as possible! On Wednesday we recapping telling time to the quarter hour - I was extremely impressed with how the children remembered the difference between quarter past and quarter to!

In History, we have been busy writing a biography ALL about Queen Victoria. It was great to see the information that we have all retained including that she had a very lonely childhood and that she had 9 children. The children were able to make some great links to our monarch today too!

Have a lovely weekend in the sun - see you Monday!

Miss Cragg – Thursday and Friday

Welcome back, week 1 of our last 7 weeks together, completed! What a week it’s been…SATs might have finished but we haven’t taken our foot off the gas, oh no! We’ve been writing, writing and then writing some more. Oh and writing too! We’ve been writing about the Great Fire of London in English, creating a diary entry as if we were a resident of Pudding Lane that fateful night. Even in Science we haven’t got away with it, we did an experiment with some unwashed, germy, dirty hands and a slice of bread then wrote instructions on how to perform said experiment. Can’t wait to see what the bread looks like after the weekend, yuck!

In Maths we have been recapping our previous learning, looking at telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes and writing a fact file about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We even wrote in Maths! About faces and edges, vertices and symmetry. Our poor hands! A few spellings to finish off our lessons and speaking of spellings, continue to practice the Year 2 common exception words as we’ll carry on with those next week.

We had a lovely time celebrating the Thai new year festival of Songkran with a crazy, chaotic and fun filled water fight on the field. We know that Songkran is celebrated in Thailand in Asia in April and that they believe the water will wash away the bad luck. Hopefully it will do the same for us! Have a great weekend and we’ll see you back here next week.

W.C 22.05.23

Mrs Lawson - Monday to Wednesday

Another half term done and dusted, well done everyone, you have worked so hard to get those pesky tests done and have done Miss Cragg and I proud!

In English we have been busy writing a narrative based on the Dragon Machine - this piece was FULL of the children's own creative ideas which have been so lovely to read. In Maths, we have been working on our unit of measurement. We began by looking at the difference in volume and capacity before moving onto how we can measure volumes in millilitres and litres. We are still working on understanding which unit we use and when. 

In History, we have done some research about Queen Victoria's life all the way from her childhood up until the end of her reign in 1901! There were lots of interesting pieces of information we found and we will be putting these all into a biography after half term.

We have also been celebrating local history week this week. We were lucky enough to have Mark Bamford from Sleaford Museum come in and speak with us all about the monarchs that have visited Sleaford! Did you know King John came to Sleaford Castle on the way to signing the Magna Carta?

Have a great week off. 

Thursday and Friday – Miss Cragg

Well done everyone, we made it! What a half term its been with SATs but we’ve got there and now we can enjoy a week off.

In Maths this week we’ve been learning to read thermometers as well as recapping our previous learning about shape, position, column method including exchanging and measurement of capacity. In English we finished off our Big Write about The Dragon Machine and worked on editing our writing, adding subordination and ensuring we improved our selected sentences.

In Science we performed an experiment where we had to select a material most suited to being an umbrella, we chose between material, plastic, foil, newspaper and cellophane, assessing the properties to choose the material we thought would be best for the job. We made a sensible prediction about what we thought might happen and recorded our results, forming a conclusion when we had assessed our results. In Music we continued our learning about Blues music, listening to more Blues songs and practising our song on the glockenspiel ready to record it for our assessments. Spellings to end a long half term! Speaking of spellings, please practise the sheet handed out with the common exception words for Year 1 and Year 2 handed out this week, ready for a test of all of these words on Thursday and Friday our first week back. If the sheet has been misplaced these words can be found by searching for the common exception words on Google.

Happy half term! Rest up ready for our final 7 weeks in Year 2 together.

W.C 15.05.23

 Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Lawson

Another busy week for us completing some more of us tests!

In the afternoons, we have been working on some more topic work, our history and geography!

In Geography, we have been learning more about the village of Mugurameno. This week, we looked at the physical features in the area, more specifically, the Zambezi River. We looked at the benefits that this brings to the people there including washing, food and growing plants!

In History, we learnt more about the reign of Elizabeth I. We looked at the views of the people to having a queen and also how the roles of women have changed since these times. We learnt that women were expected to have children and be housewives while the men were working. We discussed why Elizabeth was a different queen to the queens before her.

Thursday and Friday – Miss Cragg

And that’s a wrap on Year 2 SAT’s 2023! We are incredibly proud of how hard the children have worked, they have tried their socks off and given 100% effort. Have the weekend off!

In Maths this week we’ve been learning to measure in kilograms, we know it is a unit of measurement for weight or mass and that it is heavier than grams. We can read and write scales for kgs, count up how many kgs something weighs and compare weights. In English we’ve written a plan for our own version of ‘The Dragon Machine’, changing the main character, what the dragons are fed and the name of the machine that is built to ‘The Dragon Catcher’. We are excited to begin writing our stories next week!

In Science we have continued to learn about materials, this week sorting the materials by their properties and putting them into categories depending on what they are made from. We ended the week with our spelling test on homophones which made things quite confusing! Here are next weeks spellings for our test on Friday 26th May, the last day before half term:

quiet          quite          bare           bear           sun

son             be              bee            night          knight

Hope you have a restful weekend before our final push to half term!

W.C 09.05.23

Wednesday - Mrs Lawson

Only one day for me this week but I've heard from Miss Cragg that you have worked super hard!

On Wednesday, some of us completed our first maths paper and some of us gave the second paper a try. Again, I am really really impressed with all of the determination and perseverance that I have seen. You are all doing so well. 

Keep up the hard work, not much more to go now :)

I will see you on Monday for the usual 3 days with me! Enjoy your weekend.

Reminder - on Monday we have our class photos!

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday – Miss Cragg

A little bit of extra me this week, you lucky little things! On Tuesday we did some extra revision for Maths to prepare us for those pesky SATs that we’ve been completing last week and this, some of us then did Maths, Reading and Spelling papers. We’ve also measured in grams, read scales and calculated mass from weights. In History we’ve learned about the life of Queen Elizabeth I including her parents King Henry VIII whose 2nd wife of 6, Anne Boleyn, was Elizabeth’s mother. We particularly enjoyed learning that Elizabeth’s sister, Mary I, put her in jail for a little while as we have some children in our class who would like to do that with their own siblings!

In Science we read the story of the Three Little Pigs and then performed an experiment, attempting to build our own houses out of strawberry laces, breadsticks and sugar cubes. We assessed the properties of all of the materials, performed our experiment and then concluded that the sugar cubes were the best material to build with. We used scientific vocabulary such as hard and soft, flexible and solid, strong and weak to describe the properties of our materials. In Music we continued with our learning about Blues music, performing ‘DeeCee’s Blues’ on the glockenspiel.

In PE we carried on learning about movement, balance and turns in our gymnastics lesson and finished the week with our spelling test. Lots of perfect 10’s this week, well done! Some nice homophones for our test next week on Friday 19th May:

there          their          here           hear           see

sea             too             two            blew           blue

Enjoy your weekend and we’ll see you next week.

W.C 08.05.23

Mrs Lawson - Tuesday and Wednesday

It may have only been a short week for us but the children have been putting in more effort than ever! We have started our SATs tests this week, with some of us completing the first reading paper and the first maths paper. We are sooooo proud of how hard you are working, your hard work will definitely pay off!

On Tuesday afternoon, we continued with our work on Zambia but this week we were looking in more detail at a specific village, Mugurameno. This is the place that we will be directly comparing and contrasting Sleaford with. We recapped where Zambia was (in Africa, bordered by many countries) before locating where Mugurameno was itself. We looked at some pictures of the village first and thought of some adjectives that we would use to describe it. We also started to make some comparisons already! We know that because it is nearer the equator than the United Kingdom that it's climate is hotter than ours. We discussed how the trees appeared to be different from those that we see in our town and why this might be.

Enjoy your long Coronation weekend!

Thursday and Friday – Miss Cragg

A solid end to the week with a couple more tests thrown in for good measure. Some of us have also completed our SAT’s spelling tests this week too, along with the Reading and Maths papers completed by some children in small groups earlier on in the week. Everyone is trying their best and we cannot ask for anything more. We will continue to revise and do tests throughout the coming few weeks. We’ve had time for a Maths lesson comparing mass and using mathematical vocabulary such as ‘lighter’ and ‘heavier’ to compare items. We’ve squeezed in an English lesson on suffixes and used words like emptiness, loneliness, abandonment and disappointment to write letters to George from his parents begging him to come home after he goes missing when his Dragon Machine crashes in the wilderness. We’re enjoying this book immensely!

In Science we were challenged to build the perfect sandcastle so we had to measure how much water we would need, adding it in small increments until we reached the ultimate gold standard in perfect sandcastles. We know when we undertake an experiment we have to make a prediction, have a question to answer, gather data, analyse this information then make conclusions. We managed to successfully follow these steps when building our perfect sandcastles. In Music we have continued to learn about the Blues, listening and appraising a Blues song by Earl ‘Fatha’ Hines identifying the instruments used, thinking about whether we liked the song and our reasons why, the style of music and the features of the song. In PE we were rolling and jumping away, linking our rolls and jumps and using equipment to jump off in a variety of different ways. We ended the week as we always do, with a spelling test. Here are next weeks spellings for you, for the test on Friday 12th May:

night          bright         sight          mighty       midnight

high           light           right          tight          fright

Have a great weekend and watch the Coronation of King Charles II if you can, you are literally witnessing history being made!

W.C. 24.04.2023

Mrs Lawson

What a great week! I've had the pleasure of teaching Year 2 all week and we've been learning so much!

In English, we have been continuing with our Dragon Machine book. We've recapped our understanding of statements, commands, exclamations and questions and been able to use these to write an entry into the Encyclopaedia of Dragons! We also created our very own dragon machines, annotated our drawings and used multi-clausal sentences to explain how they work. On Wednesday, we helped George with his journey by deciding what he needed to take with him. For this, we used our noun phrases to describe the objects he would need to take. We have also recounted the journey the dragon machine took by identifying and using verbs such as 'clunked' and 'clinked' from the book.

In Maths, we have spent a whole week learning about length and height. We started by measuring using centimetres. This meant we had to get more confident with using our rulers. We know that we should start from 0cm when measuring not the very end of the ruler! We then looked at measuring in metres. We used metre sticks to work out the measurements of the classroom doors and its length too. We then worked out when we would need to use rulers and when it would be best to use metres. After learning all this, we used our understanding of place value to compare and order lengths and heights. We were even able to compare centimetre and metre measurements together! To end the week, we used adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing to solve some problems using length and height.

In History, we have started our new unit all about the queens of England and the United Kingdom. This week we looked briefly and the reigns of Mary I, Elizabeth I, Mary II, Anne, Victoria and Elizabeth II. We have already started to find some similiarities and differences between them! We then used our mathematical knowledge to order these queens on a time line.

In Geography this term, we are comparing Sleaford to another place in the world to see if they are similar. We are looking at Zambia as our contrasting country. This week, we have used atlases and digital maps to find where Zambia is. We know it is in the continent of Africa and is bordered by many different countries.

In PSHE, we have been learning about different types of families and discussed what our own families are like. We know that families come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and that it is perfectly normal to have a family that is different to other people's.

We have also spent some time this week recapping our arithmetic knowledge including finding 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 of numbers. This meant we had to use our multiplication skills. We have also been practicing our SPAG, including how to use contractions. 

As you can see, we have worked SOOOOO hard this week - well done!

Next week, we begin our SATs. The children will be doing these in small numbers over the next few weeks where we will do 2 Maths papers, 2 Reading papers, a grammar paper and a spelling paper. As we are doing these in smaller groups, not all of the children will sit the same test on the same day. We know how hard the children have worked so far this year and are very proud of them!

Have a lovely long bank holiday weekend, see you on Tuesday :)

W.C. 17.04.2023

Mrs Lawson (Monday - Wednesday)

It was a short week this week but we have started as we mean to carry on!

We began with our new phonics groups - Mrs Smith did our assessments at the end of last term and so many children have made great progress, moving up Phonics groups. Lots of us have now also come off the Phonics scheme and are spending the first part of the morning with Miss Liston working on our guided reading and SPAG skills. 

In English, we have started our next unit with a new book - The Dragon Machine. When we got into class on Tuesday, we saw that dragons had taken over! We went on a dragon hunt to find them and made sure to use our prepositions so we could explain where we found them. We used this knowledge and on Wednesday we wrote a mini explanation text about where dragons like to hide, making sure we used our prepositions again. 

In Maths, we have been continuing to work on time. We needed to recap our understanding of the hour and minute hands and then we looked at comparing durations of time. We made sure to look at the start and end times and then calculating which took longer. On Wednesday, we built on this by finding the end times after events had taken place. 

We have also spent time this week doing some guided reading, practicing our question answering skills and recapping column addition and subtract as it has been a long time since we've used this knowledge.

Have a lovely weekend Year 2 :)

Thursday and Friday – Miss Cragg

Welcome back! We hope you had a safe and chocolate filled Easter break. The grown-ups at school certainly did! We hit the ground running this week and have finished off our last lessons learning about time in our Maths lessons. We have found the finish time by using our clocks and counting back in increments of 5, we know that the hour hand needs to move back too and we are getting better at reading the time whilst identifying if it is past the hour or to the next hour. We also learned about the number of hours in a day and know that there are two of each hour, one in the day and one at night. We talked about how there are 12 hours between each of the same hour and that the hour hand goes to each hour twice a day. Tricky stuff! We are working so hard to understand it.

In English we have a new book to read and we’ve really enjoyed beginning to learn about the dragons that George begins to see everywhere in ‘The Dragon Machine’. On Thursday we explored prefixes and used words such as unnoticed, undetected and unseen to write about how George identifies with the dragons as he himself feels ignored and invisible. On Friday we wrote a letter with some advice to George on the things we think he could, should and would do. We included conjunctions such as and, but, so and because as well as popped some of our words with prefixes in from Thursdays lesson.

New topic in Science and for this half term we are learning about materials and their properties. For our first lesson we had the chance to explore some objects and think about how we could manipulate their properties, we tested to see if we could bend, stretch, twist and squash objects such as wooden discs, sponge balls, plastic straws, elastic bands and stones from the outside area. We also had chance for a PE lesson where we transitioned from balances to movements and back again and a Music lesson where we learned about Blues music and the contribution of the ’Mother of Blues’, Ma Rainey.

A spelling test ended our week and speaking of which, here they are for next week’s test on Friday 28th April:

payment    enjoyment     agreement       achievement     adjustment

darkness    rudeness       sadness           greatness          kindness

Some tricky ones there! Keep practising everyone. Have a great weekend and have fun with a full week of Mrs Lawson next week you lucky things!