
Summer Term 2024

WC: 29.04.24 Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt

In Year 2 in English, we have continued with our book 'Starlight', we have continued with writing effective sentences for our story including, listening to sounds and writing action sentences, writing a question and using three adjectives with commas. We are really enjoying this book!

In Maths, we have been learning all about tables and graphs and how to read them. We then looked at a range of questions to analyse the tables and graphs.

In History, we continued learning about Queen Elizabeth the first and why she was so important. In Geography, we learnt about a village in Zambia called Mugurameno and found out about their life there and how they live day to day. We noticed there are lots of similarities and differences between our life and theirs.

We have also started our SATs on Wednesday, we started with our first Maths paper: Arithmetic. We absolutely smashed it, we are so proud of the children who have completed it so far. Well done!

On Wednesday, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.

WC: 22.04.24 Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt

Another week down, and what a great job we have done!

In English this week, we have continued with our book 'Stardust' and have looked at writing show-not-tell sentences, using adverbs to create a negative impact and an action sentence. We then had an experience day where we looked at understanding empathy and putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes. We even got to watch a Bluey episode looking at how Bluey was empathetic towards his sister when she was sad!

In Maths, we have been recapping what we have learnt so far this year. We have worked on finding a half and a quarter of a number and remembering to use our sharing circles to help us solve the problem. Then we looked at dividing and sharing, again using sharing circles. Then we looked at 2D and 3D shapes, we looked at finding its properties and solving problems with shape. 

In History we have continued learning about queens. We learnt about Queen Victoria this week; we know she didn't marry a man because she didn't want him to become King! She was a strong, independent woman!

In Geography we started our new unit looking at whether all places in the world are the same as Sleaford. We are comparing Sleaford to a country called Zambia. We used an atlas to locate Zambia in the world and then where it is in Southern Africa. We worked well as a team to find Zambia.

On Wednesday we had Art with Mrs Freeman and PE with Mr Godson.

Thursday and Friday - Miss Cragg

The weeks are going by fast and May is soon approaching bringing the SATs with it! Next week we will start a slow approach to our tests in order to get them all completed by half term.

In English this week we’ve been writing complex sentences where we have used synonyms and thought about the wishes of our main character, Mabel, we have used the conjunction ‘because’ and written lines with rhyming words at the end of them. We’ve also created a collaborative poem together as a class thinking of positive statements about why each member is a star. We had some really lovely ideas, well done Year 2. We have also used onomatopoeia, written noun phrases using adjectives about stars and used repetition when writing about the Earth’s physical features and the weather, we’ve been very busy but our writing is looking great.

In Maths we have continued to recap previously taught topics to help us to revise for our upcoming SATs. This week we have been spotting patterns in questions, finding the difference and thinking carefully about how to answer some of the questions which will be trying to trick us. We also reminded ourselves of how to tell the time to the hour, half past, quarter past and quarter to as well as thinking about times that are past and to the hour.

In Music we moved our bodies to the beat, discussing ostinato (a repeated rhythm) and dynamics (volume). We squeezed in some guided reading, talking about a spider called Anansi who liked to play tricks and a PE lesson where we explored different types of roll. A celebration assembly and a quick spelling test rounded off our week.

Here are the spellings for our next test on Friday 3rd May:

Station, fiction, motion, nation, education, action, injection, caption, fraction, competition

Enjoy your weekend!

WC: 15.04.24 Monday - Wednesday - Mrs Barratt

Welcome back to school! We hope you have had a lovely relaxing Easter break filled with chocolate!

This week, we have started a new English writing scheme and we have loved it! The children have taken to it so well and enjoyed a change. We are reading a new book 'Stardust' by Jeanne Willis. We have looked at writing effective sentences including alliteration, hyphenated words, apostrophes, and show-not-tell sentences. We are looking forward to getting stuck into this book.

In Maths this week, we have been recapping all the skills we have learnt over the year. We have recapped adding with and without exchanges and then moved onto subtraction without exchanging.

We have started a new topic in History, Queens. We have looked at the different Queens who have ruled the United Kingdom and then ordered them onto a timeline.

On Wednesday, we had Art with Mrs Freeman and did yoga for PE.

Thursday and Friday - Miss Cragg

We have continued where Mrs Barratt left off this week, in English undertaking what is called an Experience Day learning about our new book. We watched a clip from the film 'Boss Baby' and discussed the theme of jealousy and sibling rivalry. Some of the stories we talked about were very interesting! We know how it feels when our siblings get something and we don't, we also talked about fairness and the roles adults play when it comes to making things fair. Lots of us have new babies in our class so that was an opportunity for them to share their feelings. We then did a new style sentence stacking lesson learning about the concepts of expanded noun phrases, comparatives, using commas, using possessive apostrophes, positive adverbs, suffixes and superlatives. Quite a lot to cram into one lesson!

In Maths we have been doing some revision of key concepts ready for our SATs tests next month. At the end of the week we've been recapping subtraction with exchanging and then looking at word problems which involve using column method to do mixed addition and subtraction to solve two step problems.

In Science we have begun our new topic learning about materials, we can name objects and state the material they are made from as well as beginning to identify some of the properties of different materials. We tested some materials such as playdough, a stone, a sponge ball and a straw using the vocabulary of bend, twist, stretch and squash. Time for a PE lesson on balances and different types of movement, some guided reading and a spelling test and then our week was done. 

Spellings for our test on Friday 26th April are:

quiet, quite, bare, bear, sun, son, be, bee, night, knight

Have a great weekend!