
Autumn 2018

 W/C 10th December

This week has been all about squeezing last minute rehearsals in for our Nativity.

We hope you enjoyed the production. We are extremely proud of all the children.  Watching all the children shine has really made our Christmas. Thank you for your support with costumes and coming to watch us perform our play!

The children are beginning to get excited for Christmas.  Please can you work with us and remind your children that our class rules still need to be followed right until we break up. We encourage the children to have fun and enjoy this magical time but our listening ears are still important.

Please make sure that we have had your child’s permission slip back for the Pantomime on Friday 21st December.  If we do not have it back, then your child will not be able to come with us.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

W/C 3rd December

Christmas has begun in Reception class. We have put up our Christmas tree and the children have enjoyed decorating it. On the writing table we have provided the children with Christmas cards and gift tags. The children have enjoyed using their Phonic skills to try and write in the cards. We are really proud with how the children love to write and practice their skills.

In Literacy, we have read the 'Christmas Story'. By reading this story it has helped up to understand our roles in our Nativity production. We enjoyed reading the story and then we had the task to sequence the story. The children really enjoyed this activity and it showed they had listened well when the story was read. 

We have been learning about 2D shapes in Maths. Challenge: Go on a shape hunt around the house. How many shapes can you spy? 

Remember our Nativity production is on Wednesday 12th December at 2.00pm. Please bring along family and friends. 

W/C 19th November 

Maths is everywhere!

Wow... one thing we have noticed this year is how mathematical the children are. We deliver adult-led group times every day but what is more impressive is how the children then apply these skills during their own investigations.

Have a look at the following photos and here is all the learning that has taken place:





  • Counting 1:1 correspondence
  • Learning about distance/furthest/nearest
  • Making marks to represent number
  • Representing numbers in different ways
  • Understanding what a number is
  • Team work
  • Ordering numbers
  • Writing numbers

The above learning is all child- led but staff have closely watched for teachable moments and extended their learning where appropriate. Careful questioning ensures accelerated progress due to next steps being met in the moment!


 W/C 12th November

Another busy week in Reception. 

On Tuesday we were lucky enough to visit the Science Dome that was in school for one day only. As we entered the Dome the children were very apprehensive but exited at the same time. We then entered and we loved every minute. The theme was 'Pirates'. We got taken on journey across the rocky seas. We spotted famous Pirates along the way and searched for treasure. 

This week we have began Literacy. We are now confident to apply our Phonic skills to writing for different purposes. This week we watched a short video about a little girl who finds some bubbles on the beach. She then goes on a journey whilst blowing the bubbles. The children had to discuss where they would fly to and then write a sentence. The children had some amazing ideas. Some children flew to the park, flew home and one children flew all the way to India.

We hope you all received the letters inviting you to our Nativity production. Please don't panic about costumes. The letter was ahead of us- we haven't allocated characters yet! We will let you know nearer the time.

Thank you for supporting your child to learn their 'High Frequency' words this week. We can certainly tell who have been practicing at home!


W/C 5th November

This week we have taken part in Diwali celebrations.

We joined up with Nursery and took part in a number of different activities to help us learn about Diwali- ‘The Festival of Light.’

The children enjoyed all the art and craft activities.

Thank you for those who donated £1. We used the money to buy an Indian takeaway. We sampled Onion Bhjais, Naan Bread, Indian Dips and Vegetable Samosas.

The food was delicious. If you would like to try some of the delicious food, please click on the link below to see the menu.


La Royale Tandoori Restaurant




  • Please label all clothing- this really does helps to ensure that they do not loose their new uniform.
  • At 8.40am Kelly or Anne will come out before school starts. This is a great opportunity for you to talk to us about any worries that you may have.
  • Please make sure your child has a named P.E bag. Our P.E days are on a Monday and Wednesday.
  • A book bag or bag is necessary to have in school every day. Letters and Reading books will be handed out and your child will be encouraged to put them in their bag.
  • Named water bottles can be brought in for your child to drink when required. However, we do provide fresh drinking water.
  • Please remember to order your child’s hot dinner online. This is particularly important if your child has food allergies.
  • Reading at least 3 times a week will significantly increase their reading progress.
  • Any issues regarding your child should be discussed with Kelly and/or Anne.




  • Re-cap set 1 sounds
  • Continue to recognise and write our name
  • Reception High Frequency will be introduced and sent home as we teach them
  • Practice letter formation
  • Sharing stories and talking about what we have read
  • Begin to practice reading and writing simple words and simple sentences




  • To recognise numbers 0-10
  • To represent numbers 0-10 in different ways
  • To count to 10 and beyond
  • To identify shapes and talk about their properties
  • One more/one less


We are also looking forward to rehearsing our Nativity to perform to you on Wednesday 12th December.

W/C 8th October

We have been very lucky to learn all about how to give basic First Aid. This is a life skill which our children engaged with very well. They listened, followed instructions and practiced helping others.

Every child received their own certificate to acknowledge that they took part and learnt some life skills. Please watch your mobiles as they did learn that calling 999 is the emergency response number. However, the First Aider did suggest that parents should teach their child their home address incase of an emergency. Have a go at teaching your child this over the half term break.


Next week we will be sending out some information on how you can support your child at home with Reading.


Please label your child's clothes including their shoes as unnamed items are really hard to return to the correct child.

Every child needs a book bag in school every day so that we can encourage them to put their letters/books in at the end of the day. This will prevent letters from getting lost.

It is your child's responsibility to hand in their Reading book as we do not have time to go through all the bags. Change days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Thank you for your support

W/C 1st October

We have been working hard to practice our set 1 sounds. If you would like to learn how to say the sounds correctly then please click on the image below.



If you would like to learn how you can support your child to read simple words then please click on the image below.


We really appreciate you supporting your child to read at home. Reading at least three times a week can significantly improve your child's Reading age. 

We also highly recommend the following App to support your child at home. Your child will be familiar with this game as we play it in school.

Teach your Monsters to Read.


W/C 24th September


The children have really enjoyed the glorious weather this week, making outdoor learning one of our favourite places to be.


The boys are really showing an interest in Role- Play outside. To follow on from acting out the ‘Three Little Pigs’ we read the story ‘Billy Goats Gruff.’  We then brought the story to life by acting it out. The children loved this activity and decided to carry on acting it out in the outdoor classroom. They also used puppets to re-tell the story. Lots of story language was heard from all the children who took part.

Independent mark-making and writing has been an interest this week.  The children are really keen to practice their letter formation, to write simple words and their own name. This is a fantastic attitude to have at the beginning of their school journey!






Alongside our child-initiated play we have been learning the following:




We have learnt c.k,u,b letter sounds this week and continued to revise the previous letter sounds. In the next few days, we will be sending out letter sounds for you to practice at home with your child. Some children have also received a Reading book for you to support them at home.


Please do not worry if your child has not brought one home yet, they just need a little longer to practice oral blending.




Careful counting to 10 and finding one more/one less from a given number has been taught this week.


On Thursday we also had a very nice visit from Zulu Nation. We hope you managed to have a sneaky look at their incredible dancing!

Dates for your Diary:

Monday 1st October- EYFS MacMillan Cake afternoon at 2pm

Wednesday 10th October- Parents Evening.


W/C 17th September

This week, friendships have really began to show. Children are looking out for each other and comforting others who are upset.

A highlight from this week has to be our friend Joel who said, "Kelly, I have some toys in the basket..." I asked, "Where are you taking them?" Joel replied, " I'm taking them over to J who is upset... I will play with him to make him happy!" This act of kindness really touched our hearts and shows how caring our children at Church Lane can be.

Alongsie our PSED skills developing we are in full swing with our group times. The children are becoming more familiar with sitting at tables to do their writing and sitting sensibly on the carpet, showing that they are ready to learn.


We have been recapping last weeks sounds and this week we have learnt i,n,p,g,o. We have been  using a mix of whiteboard pens and pencils to practice our letter formation. Next week, we are going to begin reading and writing simple CVC words such as mat, pig and pot. 


We have continued to represent numbers 0-10 in different ways and order numbers. Our puppet has been very silly and getting his numbers muddled up. The children have helped spot the mistakes and explain how they know that the number is missing.

Our interests have also included washing babies, putting out numbered fires and acting out 'The Three Little Pigs.'


Dates for Diary:

Monday 24th September- Individual School Photos and Harvest Assembly at 2pm.


W/C 10th September

This week all of the children have entered the classroom without any tears and have settled very well into jobs. This is a big achievement for the second week of term!

We have been very busy beginning our Phonic and Maths group times.


In Phonics we have introduced m,a,s,d,t letter sounds to the children. We have also been practicing writing the letter sounds using whiteboard and pens.

We have also been recognising our names and trying to write them. Helping your child to write their name will give them a boost of confidence in their writing skills.


In Maths we have been recognising numbers 0-10. We have been practicing our counting skills and representing numbers in different ways.

Alongside our group times we really enjoyed the ‘Roald Dahl’ day. The children looked fantastic in their costumes.

On Thursday we took part in a number of different activities that linked to some of the stories written by Roald Dahl. We decorated sweets, made pretend chocolate sweets using chocolate scented play dough and used the outdoor equipment to create our very own ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’.

Thank you for your support. 

W/C 3rd September 2018

We are really pleased with how our new class has settled into big school. Our priority will be finding out all about your child and their individual interests. We will support them to feel settled, secure and to make new friends. If you have any worries about how your child is settling please do not hesitate to ask Kelly or Anne.







  • Please label all clothing- this really does helps to ensure that they do not loose their new uniform.
  • At 8.40am Kelly or Anne will come out before school starts. This is a great opportunity for you to talk to us about any worries that you may have.
  • Please make sure your child has a named P.E bag. Our P.E days are on a Monday and Wednesday.
  • A book bag or bag is necessary to have in school every day. Letters and Reading books will be handed out and your child will be encouraged to put them in their bag.
  • Named water bottles can be brought in for your child to drink when required. However, we do provide fresh drinking water.
  • Fruit is provided every morning for your child to enjoy at playtime.
  • Please remember to order your child’s hot dinner online. This is particularly important if your child has food allergies.



In the first few weeks we be learning how to:


  • Find our way around the school
  • Settle into the daily routines of school life
  • Learn each others name
  • Explore and investigate their new classroom and outdoor area
  • Look after our own belongings e.g. putting our jumpers on our peg
  • Collect our own lunch and eat at the tables together
  • Respect our classroom rules e.g. use kind hands, help each other, take turns
  • Manage our own feelings and behaviour
  • Have fun!


Once the children are settled and routines are established we will move onto teaching the following:



  • Learn our set 1 sounds
  • Learn to recognise and write our name
  • Practice letter formation
  • Identifying initial sounds in words e.g. ‘aaaapple’
  • Begin to read simple words e.g. Mat, Sam
  • Sharing stories and talking about what we have read



  • To recognise numbers 0-10
  • To represent numbers 0-10 in different ways
  • To count to 10 and beyond


Throughout the year we will be observing your child and recording their achievements in their individual learning journey folders. Please feel free to look at them at any time. We would love it if you added your child’s home achievements to them.