
Sports Premium

PE Sports Premium

What is the PE Sports Premium?

The PE and Sport Premium is an additional layer of funding received by schools. It is ring-fenced so can only be spent on improving the quality and breadth of PE and School Sport. It has been doubled to support schools to implement the government’s Obesity Strategy and to support the health and wellbeing of all young people in the school.

How much does the school receive?

There is now a total grant of £16,000 plus £10 per child on roll. We receive this each academic year until 2020. The grant comes from 3 government departments:

  • Education
  • Health
  • Culture, Media and Sport

What is the impact of the PE and Sports Premium?

We are able to deliver lessons which cover a wide range of sports including: Football, Hockey, Rugby, Lacrosse, Ultimate Frisbee, Cricket, Volleyball, Multi-skills, gymnastics and many more. This has allowed us to stretch and challenge the gifted and talented children we have in school.

Over 75% of children in school are involved at some point in a sporting activity or club. This has come with our ability to attend most competitions running in the local area, including, Golf, Judo, handball, table tennis and cycling.

Community coaching clubs have been able to provide us with expert coaching in regards to Football and dance and this has seen over 80 children attend sessions over the year, due to its raised profile.

We have recently been awarded the Sainsbury's Platinum mark for sports.

How are the Governing body involved?

Ths school governors receive a report from the Headteacher three times a year which covers the above questions. Governors are invited to visit and monitor the impact of our Premium.

Sports Premium Analysis 2016/17

Sports premium expenditure 2017/18

Sports premium analysis 2017/18

Sports premium expenditure 2018/19

Sports Premium analysis 2018/19

Sports Premium 19/20

Sports premium 20/21

Sports Premium 21/22

Sports Premium 22/23

Sports Premium 23/24