
E-Safety Statement (Parents)


Our intention is to ensure the safety and well-being of all the young people in our care. This statement about e-safety shows our commitment to this. It is a dynamic statement and subject to change, reflecting the dynamic context of technology. The core underlying principle, which remains fixed, is the absolute commitment to empowering students and their families.

We intend that all members of our community should be informed and enabled and, as a consequence, should be able to keep themselves and others safe. With the ever evolving world of technology and constant introduction of new emerging technologies e-safety is a key aspect of school life embedded across our curriculum. Our students are taught how to behave responsible and safely whilst online during dedicated lessons throughout the year. For example in ICT and Computing & PSHE, with cross-curricular references in a range of other subjects.

In addition to this, times are dedicated throughout the year towards whole-school e-safety initiatives such as e-safety based assemblies, class time activities and pupil workshops, in order to educate our students on how their online life affects them.

Our Safer Schools’ Officer plays an important role in this and works with students and parents. We know that it is our responsibility to work alongside our parents to educate, support and update them on key e-safety matters. Each year we will run e-safety evenings for parents and carers and will provide updates to parents on new technologies and advancements. We will ensure support should they have any concerns about their child’s welfare.

Key Staff Members

Callum Clay (Headteacher)

Kelly Hakes (ICT Coordinator and Deputy Headteacher)

Mel Porter (School Governor)

Resources for Parents & Carers

Throughout the year we run our e-safety evening for parents and carers with the aim of educating and guiding with reference as to the importance of e-safety both inside and outside of the home.

During these evenings we go over the significance of e-safety, advancements and developments in ‘apps’ and emerging technologies that are now on the market, as well as providing parents with an idea into the legal implications on e-safety. Grooming, Child Sexual Exploitation, ‘Sexting’, Radicalisation, bullying are all areas focused upon to highlight.

We also invite all parents to share thoughts, concerns and proposals on this matter by contacting Mr Clay via the school telephone number or emailing to school enquiries.


Useful websites


Thinkuknow –

Thinkuknow You Tube Page –


NSPCC You Tube Page –


E-Safety Statement (Students)

Who to speak to:

Your class teacher

Kelly Hakes, ICT coordinator/Deputy Headteacher

Mr Clay (Headteacher)

Any member of staff you feel comfortable discussing this matter with


E-Safety Tips


1. Always think of your personal safety first when using ICT or your mobile phone. Remember it is easy for anyone to lie about who they are online, so you can never really be sure about who you are talking to.

2. Do not give out any personal information about yourself online to people you do not know. This includes your full name, address, street name, postcode or school name.

3. Never give your contact number to anyone who you don’t know.

4. Always remember, what goes online, stays online. Just because you might have deleted a message, photo or video, does not mean that someone hasn’t copied it beforehand. Think about whether you might want potential future employers seeing it?

5. Don’t meet people who you have only spoken to online. They could have a fake profile and not be who they say they are.

6. Don’t be persuaded to send personal photos of yourself to anybody. You may think this person can be trusted but they may pass this image to someone else. It is easy for people to take your pictures and alter them, send them on, or even pretend to be you with them.

7. Always use private settings whenever you are setting up a social networking page or an Instant Messenger (IM) account. This is so people who you don’t want to see your profile can’t.

8. Think about what information your photos give away. Do your photos show what school you go to, where you live, where you ‘hang out’? You might not realise it but photos give away a lot of information about you.

9. Never go onto webcam with people you don’t know in real life. Webcam images can be recorded and copied and also shared with other people.

10. If you receive any messages or pictures that worry or upset you, talk to an adult you trust. You may also report it online via the website or NSPCC