
Autumn Term 2023

Autumn Term 2

As the weather is now turning colder and invariably wetter, please can you make sure to pack spare clothes, socks and if you are able to pack wellies that would be great too. We spend a lot of time in our outdoor space and this will be made much easier with suitable footwear.


Autumn Term 1

Hello and welcome back!


We are really looking forward to getting started with our learning in the Everest and Atlas classrooms and cannot wait to share our fantastic work with you to show what has been happening.


Mrs Ashford :) x


Autumn Term 2


Week 7

Thank you all for your amazing support over the last term. We are so incredibly proud of all of the successes we are seeing with the children. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to getting back to school on the 3rd January to kickstart our next stages of learning. 

Nia, Meggan & Jenny

Week 6

Christmas is in full flow in Atlas now and we have started to celebrate with some fantastic 'buckets'. We are continuing to work through our Makaton Advent Calendar and even started learning some signs to go with our favourite Christmas song - Jingle Bells! 

Week 5

The countdown to Christmas is on!! We are building up to Christmas slowly in Atlas and will make sure we are very sensitive to the children's feelings and responses to this over the next few weeks. Our Makaton signs for the remainder of the term come from a Makaton Advent Calendar and we will work through them one by one. Bucket time has been very messy this week with lots of snow (flour), snowmen (bursting balloons) and turn-taking to blow the snow.

Week 4

Thank you very much for attending our first Church Lane SEND Coffee Morning. It was great to see lots of familiar faces as well as some new faces too. A big thank you to Kirsty from the Working Together Team too. If you would like more information about the Working Together Team, you can access information here: 

Our theme this week was winter and hibernating animals. We had a great time making winter-themed crafts, exploring new materials, playing new games, and enjoying winter-themed bucket time. Next week, we are starting Christmas and will do this gently through bucket time, activities and tray time. Our Makaton signs were winter/cold, coat, hedgehog, to sleep and boots.

Week 3

Our theme this week was Harvest with a heavy focus on farming and food. We incorporated the Little Red Hen into our bucket time and even ate some 'bread' with her at the end of the story. We really enjoyed flour-based activities this week and will carry this on through winter and Christmas coming up. Our Makaton signs this week were combine harvester, farmer, vegetables and fruit.

Week 2

We settled back into routines really well last week which meant we were able to really immerse ourselves into activities and continuous provision provided. Our theme this week was Remembrance and our Makaton signs were poppies, mud, to remember, and trumpet.

Week 1

Welcome back! We hope you had a great half-term.

This week, our theme has been Fireworks which has been a blast! We have incorporated our Bucket Time, Tray Time and general activities into our theme and have enjoyed being able to immerse ourselves into all things Bonfire. Our Makaton signs this week were Fireworks, Guy Fawkes and Bonfire/Fire.


Autumn Term 2


Week 7

We have had a spooky Halloween week in Atlas this week. We made orange playdough to make pumpkins, ghost splat in our bucket time where Mr Clay joined us to have a turn too, made spooky rice crispy pumpkin cakes, and enjoyed our last week together before half term. We look forward to seeing you all well-rested after the break.

Happy half-term!

Atlas Team

Week 6

Another wonderful week in Atlas! We have really settled into our routines now and are enjoying more and more structured play activities. We used the Pete the Cat story to rock out in our school shoes. We danced, sang and played inflatable guitars which was lots of fun.

Thank you for all of the encouragement you have been giving us. Please remember we are always here to talk, listen and collaborate. Our door is always open to you.

Week 5

This week has been a whirlwind! The Fire Engine came to visit us and we all got to explore which was lots of fun. We received a new sand pit which all of the children have been enjoying and making sandcastles then smashing them has been a favourite activity.

Tray time has involved lots of fine and gross motor skills alongside some turn-taking activities. Sophie joined us this week for Bucket time and she brought her musical instruments for us to try out - this was fantastic!

Week 4

The weeks are flying by! Bucket Time is now an anticipated part of our day and we have begun moving onto stage 2 activities which will support learning and will develop attention and interaction for that little bit longer.

Our staff had training on Intensive Interaction this week too which we will be initiating to engage and support communication and interaction. More information can be accessed here:

Week 3

This week, we have been building on our PLIMs Targets (personalised learning intention maps) and have been turn-taking and using our fine and gross motor skills to achieve some of our targets.

We have introduced a weekly nursery rhyme and have been aligning our provision with this. We are also getting stuck into our Makaton learning and are picking up the signs as we go.

Atlas is becoming a fabulous little hub of excitement and engagement. 

Week 2

This term our primary focus will be Communication and Interaction. We have begun forming friendships and have been enjoying each other's company playing both indoors and outdoors.

This week, we have started Attention Autism Bucket Time in Atlas. It has gained a lot of attention from the children which has been very positive. Our items this week included a blue, sparkly pom pom, a wind-up pair of chattering teeth, and a flashing, music-spinning top.

If you would like any more information about Bucket Time you can find some fantastic information and videos here: 

Week 1

We've had a fantastic first week in Atlas Class with lots of sand, water and block play. We have started to establish a daily routine which we will continue to build upon with the children.

Having the chickens just outside our door is fantastic and as the children grow in confidence, we will see them becoming part of our curriculum.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs Ashford