
Summer Term 2022


Welcome back!

We've come back really positively with traditional story of Jack and the Beanstalk. The children have been exploring the characters using the role play characters, re-telling the story and we've made beans on toast so we can write the instructions. The children have engaged really well and enjoyed the immerse expereinces. Depending on the child, we have been focussing on numbers to 5, 20 and 50 and some children have been counting in two's. 

Next week we are looking forward to reading Handa's Surprise! This looks at friendship in Africa and we are foing to explore and taste tropical fruit and make repeating patterns with fruit. The children are also going to enage with 2D shape recognition and exploring different ways of naming and recogning shapes. 

The children have been enjoying the story Handa's Surprise for the last couple of weeks. Handa is little girl from Africa who decided to visit her friend with delicious tropical fruits in a basket, but they keep getting pinched by cheeky animals! The children have sequenced the story, tasted incredibly wonderful fruit such a mangoes, pineapple and avocadoes. They have then adapted the story to fruits they know and like and different farm animals have been taking the fruit instead. 

We are exploring how to make 10 in different ways with some children, so for instance 3 + 7= 10 and 10 - 7 = 3. Other children have been recognising numbers to 20 and counting to 20. Finally other children have been exploring how to count and recognise numbers to 5. We have also a child exploring eating healthily and preparing different foods and recognising which foods are healthy or unhealthy. A fabulous pittta pizza was made. Yummy! 

Now we are considering the poetry book called Rumble in the Jungle this week and the children have been taking part in guided writing to extend a poem about an elephant who has a trunk and needs to lie down on a bunk! The children have started researching jungle animals to write their own poetry. We are going to think lots about rhyming words and recognising them. 

The children have enjoyed making their own jungle animal poetry in this final week of term and playing lots of rhyming games. They have been continuing with exploring their number activities as described above and we are looking forward to starting The Three Billy Goats Gruff traditional story after half term! We are going to immerse ourselves in the story using song and drama.  

June 2022

We hope you've had an enjoyable Jubilee break. The children have come back brilliantly after the holiday and have really started to immerse themselves into The Three Billy Goats Gruff story. We have been soing lots of singing, drawing, drama and mime to understand the story. We will next recycle the story and begin to innovate it. Some children have been considering money and recognising coins for shopping whilst others have been exploring the commutative law in maths so recognising that 2 + 3 = 5  3 + 2 = 5 as well as 5 -3 =2  5 - 3=2. Other children have been looking at the place value of numbers, so realising that 16 is made of 10 and 6 ones. 

The children this week have been doing lots of drama and mime to suppport their understanding of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We have explored recycling the story and instead of The Troll we've had a dragon, a dinosaur and a large bird! The children are going to continue to enjoy recycling the story with song and drama before writing their own versions. 

Some children will continue to explore shopping role play and coin recognition whilst others are going to use numicon to work on numbers to 20. Finally, other children will be working on subtraction.