
Autumn Term 2023



W/C 11.12.23

The highlight of our week has been performing our Nativity to you. The children did an amazing job and we are very proud of all of them. It was also lovely to see all the smiles in the hall too and it definitely brought some Christmas cheer! The children now know the Christmas story very well and have enjoyed creating their own Nativity scenes.


I have now completed all Phonics assessments, ready to regroup after Christmas. The children have made super progress. I will update you with progress made over the Christmas period. I will be collecting in reading books on Monday and new books will go home when we return after Christmas.


Next week, we are looking forward to making our own Christmas biscuits and watching the Pantomime on Wednesday!


Thank you for your support this term and we hope you all enjoy the festive period!


W/C 4.12.23


We had a wonderful time visiting Oakdene care home. The children really enjoyed handing out their handmade Christmas cards to the residents, spreading love and warmth during this festive season. The children were also thrilled to stamp their activity passports, marking their contribution to the community.


In Literacy, we have been captivated by the story 'Look Up.' We are excited to continue the journey next week and find out more about Rocket and her dreams.


In Maths, we have been exploring the number four. We have made our own 'stampoline' patterns, discovering various ways to represent the number 4.


Additionally, we have learned about hedgehogs and how they prepare for winter. Next week, we are looking forward to taking part in festive activities and we will start by dressing our class Christmas tree.


Reminder: Our Nativity performance will take place on Tuesday 12th December at 2.00pm. We can't wait to perform to you!


Please ensure you are reading and logging on Boom Reader at least three times a week!



W/C 27.11.23


In Literacy, we have embarked on a new adventure with our story, ‘Look up.’ Alongside this, we have been focusing on developing our letter formation skills. It is wonderful to see the progress the children are making in this area, and I am incredibly proud of their efforts.


In Maths, we have been exploring the concept of 'part' and 'whole'. To help develop their understanding in this area, we have been exploring everyday objects such as glue sticks, puzzles and felt tips. The children have thoroughly enjoyed selecting the different 'parts' to create the 'whole'.


In the spirit of giving, we have been busy crafting beautiful Christmas cards for the residents of Oakdene Care home. We will be delivering them on Tuesday 5th December. This act of kindness provides an opportunity for our children to add a stamp to their activity passports!


Reminder: Reception Nativity on Tuesday 12th December at 2.00pm


W/C 20.11.23


It has been a quiet week and I hope all children have had a good rest over the weekend and ready to return.

In Maths, we have been revisiting the concepts of 'more' and 'fewer' and comparing quantities. The children have been learning to recognise when amounts are equal, which is an important skill in developing their numeracy abilities.


In Literacy, we have finished reading the book ‘Halibut Jackson’. The children have been actively engaged in the story and have enjoyed discussing the characters and themes. As part of our literacy activities, the children have also written a shopping list for cakes and had the opportunity to bake cakes for Halibut to take to the Queen's Birthday. It has been a fun and creative way to enhance their writing skills.


We have also been focusing on autumn and the changes that occur during this season. The children have found it fascinating to learn about why leaves have different shapes and have enjoyed exploring our garden to find different types of leaves. It has been a great opportunity for them to connect with nature and develop their understanding of the world around them.


In Art, the children have had a fantastic time exploring printing techniques using polystyrene sheets, paint, and rollers. They have been able to draw their own unique patterns and create some truly amazing artwork. We will be using this new skill to create Christmas cards for the residents at Oakdene Care home in Sleaford.


Please remember to read at least three times a week and log on Boom Reader.


Thank you


Miss Hakes




W/C 13th November 2023

We had another great week and we can't believe that Christmas is not far away.


In Maths, our focus has been on careful counting and determining the total number of objects. Please support your child at home by practising counting and identifying numbers in their everyday environment.


In Literacy, we have continued our exploration of the book ‘Halibut Jackson’, which we are all enjoying. This week, they have been using their creativity to design a suitable outfit for Halibut Jackson to wear to the Queen's birthday party.


We have also started to learn about the changes that occur during autumn. We will be discussing topics such as falling leaves, weather changes and how some animals prepare for winter. Please encourage your child to observe the natural world around them to support our discussions.


Lastly, we have started our preparations for our nativity play. The children are very excited to all play a part and are already showing us how fantastic they all are!


-Please provide water in bottles and not squash.
- Please log your reads on Boom Reader.



W/C 6th November 2023

We have settled well back into school routine, and we are looking forward to the countdown to Christmas!

At the beginning of the week, we enjoyed talking about our firework experiences and enjoyed creating lines to make firework pictures. We then used our experiences of fireworks to learn about Diwali. We enjoyed hearing how people celebrate Diwali and linked it back to our personal experiences of occasions when we choose to wear special clothes and eat lots of food! We enjoyed making our own Rangoli patterns too.

In Literacy, we have started to read ‘Halibut Jackson.’ We have discovered that he is very shy and has different outfits for every occasion. So far, we have used our Phonics to write labels for some of his clothes- super writing!

Book club has got off to a super start. We have enjoyed reading our first story brought in by Luke. I will send out another invitation on Monday to invite the next person to bring in their special story from home!

I have also emailed you about Nativity arrangements, so please check and save the date.






In Phonics, we have learnt the following sounds: 


In the final week, I will be carrying out RWI Phonics assessments with your child. I will update you with progress made over half term and next steps.


In Maths, we have been comparing size, length and height. We have really enjoyed taking part in practical activities to help us understand and use the appropriate vocabulary.


We have also really enjoyed our music lessons this week. We listened to a song called, '5 Wonky Bicycles.' We then practised singing along and explored making squeaky sounds with musical instruments. The children really enjoyed using the ocarinas!


-Wednesday 18th October- Phonics Workshop for parents at 9.10am- all welcome.
-Please remember to book a Parents Evening slot using the Parent Booking app.


 W/C 2nd October 2023

We have had an incredibly busy week!

In Phonics, we have learnt the following sounds: 

Please continue to practise every night as it really does make a huge difference!

In Maths, we have been comparing quantities. We have used the language 'more' and 'fewer' when making comparisons.

Earlier on in the week we had a visit from Sleaford Fire Service. We really enjoyed meeting the firemen and enjoyed exploring inside the fire engine and using the hose! This visit will support our learning over the next two weeks when we explore people who help us in the community.

We have also taken part in mini first aid. We loved learning basic first aid and really enjoyed the part where we had a go at looking after our friends.

Phonics Workshop
You are invited to a Phonics workshop on Wednesday 18th October at 9.10am to learn how you can support your child at home with their early reading skills. Please book your place using the Parent booking app.


W/C 25th September 2023

In Phonics we have practised reading and writing the following sounds: 

We have started Literacy and the book that we will be sharing over the next few weeks is 'Where the Wild Things Are.' So far, we have enjoyed listening to the story and exploring new vocabulary. We enjoyed taking part in our own wild rumpus. We made lots of noise using musical instruments and we were that loud we disturbed Year 1!

In Maths, we have been sorting objects into sets. We have sorted buttons by size, colour, shape and texture. To support our learning, we enjoyed reading, 'The Button Box.' This book helped us to look closely at our own buttons and talk about what we could see how we could sort them.

We have also enjoyed going to meet the chickens. We enjoyed watching them and feeding them. We are looking forward to collecting the eggs when they start to lay.

It has been lovely to see so many of you borrow books from our library and add them to Boom Reader. I will be adding some more books to the library later in the week. Please return books when you have finished reading them and please feel free to donate any books.

If your child attends Dance Academy and Vocal Academy, your child needs to come to school wearing their dance/singing uniform as we do not have time to get them changed before the lessons start.

Thank you

Miss Hakes



W/C 18th September 2023


We started off the week with a very special dance lesson with Robin Windsor! The children absolutely loved it and they were really keen to impress him.


In Phonics, we have learnt the following sounds: 


Please watch the above video links with your child to help them embed up the sounds so far.


We have started Maths this week and the children have engaged really well in our lessons so far. This week's focus has been to match objects. The children have looked closely at patterns on socks and paired them up. We have enjoyed listening to the mathematical language used throughout this week.


We have also taken advantage of the windy weather this week and had a go at making our own kites. The children enjoyed making their own and testing them in the wind.


In PSHE, we met Jigsaw Jenie. Jigsaw Jenie plays a big part in our Reception class as she helps us talk about feelings, helps us to understand rules in school and the wider world and how to stay safe. This week we introduced ourselves to her and started to talk about why it is important to look after our classroom.


We have had a busy week!




W/C 11th September 2023


We have had a great first full week in Reception. The children continue to develop relationships with adults and peers in our class. The children are starting to thrive off our daily routine and they are keen to tell me what is happening next. This week, we have started to learn our Set 1 sounds in Phonics. I have attached some Phonics links for you to watch with your child to help embed what we have already taught in school. We have been learning to read the following sounds: 


We have continued to talk about how we are feeling and have produced some wonderful 'Colour Monster' artwork for our display. We have also enjoyed sharing and talking about our summer holiday adventures.


It is lovely to see how many of you are reading at home and collecting your gems by using the BoomReader app. If you are having trouble with signing up then please let me know.


Miss Hakes


W/C 5th September 2023

We have had a fantastic first week in Reception. The children have transitioned beautifully and it feels like they have been with us for a lot longer, which shows that they are starting to feel safe and settled in their new class. The children have enjoyed starting Phonics and they really enjoyed reading 'Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes.' The children loved showing off their new school shoes too. I have attached the link to the story for you to listen to at home. 

We look forward to welcoming them back on Monday :)