
Spring Term 2024



W/C 18th March 2024

We really enjoyed taking part in Holi Festival. It was great to see all the children take part and have lots of fun as a school family.


In Maths, we explored doubles. We learnt that when two equal parts are combined it makes a double. The children have worked really hard to make doubles by combining two equal parts.


To help prepare us for our farm trip, we have been learning about farm animals and their offspring. We have also talked about how some baby animals are born in spring.


Next week, I will be completing Phonics Assessments with all children. I will update you with progress made after Easter. I have noticed that there has been a decline in parents recording on Boom Reader. Please ensure you are reading at home to support reading progress. It is really important that we build up reading stamina, ready for Year 1.


Thank you for your support.


W/C 11th March 2024

We have had a busy week, and we can't believe how quick this term is going!


The children asked if we could make a fruit salad after reading 'Oliver's Fruit Salad.' We made a shopping list and agreed which fruits we would include in our fruit salad. The children enjoyed trying some new fruits and we loved hearing, "Miss Hakes, I have just tried pineapple for the first time... I loved it!"


This week we have been experimenting with making icing sugar. We have practised the skill before we decorate our Easter biscuits next week!


In Maths, we have been exploring number 7 and all the different ways we can make 7. Next week, we will be exploring doubles.


In music, we have been making tongue clicks to add sound effects to our song, 'New Life.' The song we are learning is all about chicks hatching from eggs. We also went to visit our chickens and fed them some treats.



W/C 4th March 2024


In Literacy, we have started to read our new story 'A Tiny Seed.' We have enjoyed learning about seeds and how they grow over time. We have explored different seeds and have planted cress seeds. We are looking forward to watching the seeds germinate and grow into cress that we can all enjoy.


In Maths, we have been ordering numbers 1- 10 and exploring one more and one less. We have been linking prior learning with new learning to hide numbers within numbers.


We have really enjoyed reading 'Jack and the Beanstalk.' The children worked together to create their own beanstalk for our book corner. It was really nice to hear the children share their ideas and work as a team to create one beanstalk with a castle on top!


World Book Day was a great success and we loved to see all the children dress up. The children enjoyed talking about their costumes and sharing lots of stories throughout the day!




W/C 26th February 2024


We had a great time visiting the care home on Thursday. The children did a fantastic job at performing the poem to the residents. We even sang some nursery rhymes, which the residents enjoyed. They really liked hearing the traditional rhymes, which helped them to reminisce about items from the past.  The care home staff were really impressed with our behaviour and how polite we all were. We are really enjoying developing positive relationships with the residents as they remembered us from the last time we visited, and they can’t wait to see us all again.


The Easter treats went down well too- well done Reception!


Unfortunately, we left the camera at school, so we did not get any photos on this occasion.  


W/C 19th February 2024


We have had a really busy week!


At the beginning of the week, we learnt all about Chinese New Year and Shrove Tuesday and have enjoyed exploring the role play area that had been adapted for Chinese New Year.


We received another postcard from Paddington Bear and added Paddington Bear to our world map. This time he was visiting Madagascar. We spotted Madagascar on the world map and learnt why it was an Island. We also enjoyed learning about lemurs.


Can you help us with collecting more Paddington Bears from McDonalds? If you have any of the plush toys lying around, we would really like them to add to our collection.


In Literacy, we have finished reading ‘Little Red.’ We finished the week off by sequencing the story and then creating our own version! We are getting very good at using our imaginations to write our own stories.
In Maths, we have been exploring mass and capacity. We really enjoyed exploring the balance scales and talking about how we can make the scales balance.


The children have also enjoyed returning their brushing charts and receiving their prize!


Please remember to book for Parents Evening and ensure we have permission for your child to walk to Oakdene Care home on Thursday.


Thank you for your support.




W/C 29th January 2024


Another great week in Reception and we have enjoyed a variety of activities.


In Literacy, we have created our own story based on ‘Super Milly and the Super School Day.’ I will make a recording of the story for you to watch so you can see our fantastic story. Next week, we will start a new story called ‘Little Red.’


In Maths, we have been exploring composition of numbers 5-8. We have used double dice frames to help us understand the ‘5 and a bit’ structure.


The children have really enjoyed drawing and painting tulips, by looking closely at what they can see in front of them. We have added a few of them to our photo frames- they look great!


We have also started to learn about some of the key changes in winter. Next week, we will be learning about polar bears and penguins and where we might find them.



W/C 22nd January 2024


In Literacy, we have started to create our own story based on 'Super Milly and the Super School Day.' First, we created our new character. The children used Purple Mash to create Super Boy. Super Boy will be our main character for our new story and next week we will be deciding the setting of our story and what the emergency will be!


In Maths, we have been exploring the composition of 5. We have enjoyed singing the rhyme, '5 Little Speckled Frogs' to help us explore different ways of making 5. We are also pleased to see you enjoying playing your track game at home!


We have enjoyed music this week. We have been listening to a song called, 'Jack Frost's Fingers.' We closed our eyes and imagined being out in the freezing cold. We then used bells and metal spoons to add sound effects to the song!


We loved superhero day on Friday. The children looked amazing and enjoyed playing superhero games in the afternoon!


W/C 15th January 2024

 This week we have continued learning about toys, but have focused on exploring toys from the past. On Monday, we had Mark Bamford from Sleaford Museum visit us. He told us all about toys from the past and kindly brought some in for us to explore and play with. We had a great time, and his visit has inspired some of the children to visit the museum.


In Maths, we have been ordering numbers and practising writing the correct numerals. We have enjoyed using Numberblocks to help us.


In Literacy, the children have been writing an application form to apply for the job of a superhero. We have been training this week to become a master in all the skills that they detailed on the job vacancy letter!


On Friday 26th January, the children are invited to come dressed as a superhero! We have plenty of superhero costumes, so do not worry if you have nothing suitable. Please do not tell the children yet as we need to wait for letter back to say that we got the job!


In PSHE, we have been learning what to do when we find a task tricky. We have discovered that it is always best to keep trying and not to give up. On Friday, the children enjoyed taking part in some tricky challenges and they demonstrated excellent perseverance skills!


I am having a few issues with uploading photos, so I will try and add some later this week.


Home learning task:
- Practise using a knife and fork correctly.


Thank you for your support.


W/C 8th January 2024

It has been nice to do a whole week and the children have settled well back into school life.


In Literacy, we have started reading our new story 'Super Milly and the Super School Day.' As you can imagine the children have loved reading this story so far and are looking forward to taking in part in all the superhero activities that we have planned. The children have already pretended to be superheroes and have been on some rescue missions.


In Maths, we have made our own track games and played them with our friends. We have enjoyed subitising dice patterns as we have played the games. Next week, we are going to laminate the games and we will be giving every child their own dice to take home. The children are looking forward to playing their game with you at home too! Playing games that promote turn taking skill build resilience, which is a great quality to develop in the younger years.


We have also been exploring new toys. We discovered that a lot of new toys are made from plastic and some need batteries to make them work. We enjoyed using remote control cars and enjoyed the challenge of directing them around the cones. Next week, we will be learning about old toys and discovering what a toy museum is.


Please can we ask that you encourage your child to get dressed/undressed independently at home. By encouraging your child to practise this life skill will help them get ready for our P.E lessons. We have noticed that some children spend a lot of time getting changed and they find it frustrating when they can't do something that their friends can do. All children need to practise fastening buttons and zips too!


Please log reads on Boom Reader. We are at the point in the year where you can make a HUGE difference to reading progress by reading at home on a regular basis.


Thank you for supporting your child to complete their passport activities at home. We are really enjoying receiving your photos!



W/C 8th January 2024

Happy New Year!

Welcome back. We hope you all had a lovely break.

On Tapestry, I have attached some information about what we will be learning this term.To support our learning, please can you send me a photo of one toy that your child might have received for Christmas. We are going to be learning about old and new toys so the photos will support our discussions.

-P.E days will be on a Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure your child has a P.E kit.
-Please read at least three times at home and log on Boom Reader. Reading at home really does accelerate progress and promotes a love of reading at an early age.
-Please continue to help your child complete the passport activities and send me some photos for us to share.
-Water in bottles please