
Summer Term 2024


W/C 8th July 2024

We really enjoyed our visit to the St Deny’s Church. We enjoyed exploring the Church and learning about some of the key features found in a Church. We will continue to learn about different places of worship.

We have continued to watch our chicks grow. The children have done a very good job at looking after them and making sure they have water and food.

W/C 24th June 2024

The weeks are flying by and it will soon be time to say goodbye. However, we are making the most out of every minute left in Reception.
Our new book in Literacy is all about London sightseeing. We are really enjoying it so far and have enjoyed visiting Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and the Underground. We have learnt some interesting facts about the famous landmarks. The children have been inspired to build their own Buckingham Palace outside and have pretended to be guards!


Chick update:
We are now waiting for the chicks to hatch. We have noticed that some of the eggs are starting to crack! We are listening to see if we can hear any cheeping from inside the eggs.


Sports Day:
Sports Day is on Thursday 4th July. Parents are welcome to join us from 1.30pm.


W/C 17th June 2024

We have started to learn about different forms of transport and had a go at building our own in the block area. We are going to be learning about transport from the past too and talking about similarities and differences.  We have really enjoyed our new art area outside and painted some fantastic paintings of the nature that we can see in our garden.

Over the past couple of weeks our writing has really improved as a whole class. We are writing some great sentences!

Egg update: Our eggs are doing great. Not long to go before we might see some wobbling and cracking!


Please make sure your child has suncream applied before school. We will top up at lunch time. All children need to bring a sun hat and water bottle please.

W/C 10th June 2024

We have had a great week and shared lots of memorable experiences in Literacy this week. We have tasted different types of bread to help us think of some taste words and we also pretended to be Mr. Fox, who fell into the pond!


We have been painting in the style of Sarah Taylor. We painted our own version of a fox and then added some splashes of colour. The children did an amazing job!


In Maths, we have been learning how to use a rekenrek. We have been practising our subitising skills and further developing our understanding of number.


We are very excited to have received an incubator and 12 chicken eggs. We are really looking forward to watching the eggs hatch and to meet our chicks! This exploration will further support our understanding of lifecycles.


We are looking forward to visiting St. Deny’s Church on Monday 1st July to help us understand places of worship. If you would like your child NOT to attend please let me know.


W/C 3rd June 2024


In Literacy, we have started to read our new story ‘Rosie’s Walk.’ We have enjoyed learning new words such as: shadowed, followed, chased and bashed.


In Maths, we are now consolidating our knowledge and ensuring we have understood and embedded all of our learning throughout the year. We have developed into a very mathematical class!


We have been learning about maps and why they are important. It would be great if you could help us collect different types of maps, especially any maps that you have used when visiting new places.


Our highlight of the week has been the visit from Little City. We absolutely loved exploring the different areas and letting our imaginations run wild. We hope you enjoy some of the photos that we managed to take!


W/C 13th May 2024

We really enjoyed visiting the allotment on Friday. We really enjoyed helping to look after the allotment and understanding what an allotment is first hand. A big thank you to Hayley and Micaela for making us feel very welcome and allowing us to get stuck in!

This week, we have also enjoyed reading some of Aesop's Fables. We discovered what a fable is and enjoyed sharing some of the fables and working out what the moral of the story was. We really enjoyed 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf.' This fable reinforced the idea of telling the truth.

The block area has been very busy as the children have explored creating different structures-well done!


W/C 6th May 2024


We have started to read our new book 'A Big Book of Bugs.'  This book is a non-fiction book and is already helping us learn some facts about bugs that we may find in our outdoor area. We will be using this book to write some facts about bugs.




We have been exploring composition of numbers to 5 to support our understanding of number bonds to 5 and then 10. We used the rhyme, '5 Little Monkeys jumping on the bed' to help us develop our understanding.


Our World:


We have been learning about lifecycles and the insect family. We used our prior learning of frogs to help us understand what a lifecycle is. We are looking forward to receiving our caterpillars to watch the lifecycle of a butterfly happen in our classroom! We have also enjoyed Music this week. We made our own musical shakers and used them in our song, 'Sunflower Seeds.' We also discovered that sound occurs when something moves.


Well done to Alex for winning the treat hamper for reading and recording frequently on Boom!


 W/C 22nd April


We have enjoyed reading more of our new story, ‘Jack and the Jellybean Stalk.’ This week, we have tried a variety of flavours of jellybeans. We really enjoyed describing the taste of them. Grandma Fantastic helped us learn new words to describe what they looked like. We really liked the following words: crimson, scarlet, citrus, fruity and emerald. We also pretended to climb up our own jellybean stalk!


In Maths, we have been practising our careful counting, especially when we can’t move the objects.


We have been learning about minibeasts and how to spot an insect. We are looking forward to moving onto learning about lifecycles.


A big well done to Arlo who won the treat hamper for the weekend. Keep reading and recording for your chance to take it home next weekend!



W/C 16th April

We have had a great start to the new term. Visiting Bowthorpe Farm was a highlight. We have enjoyed writing about our visit and talking about what we enjoyed. The children have received another stamp in their activity passports.

In Literacy, we have started reading ‘Jack and the Jellybean Stalk.’ We have also been introduced to Grandma Fantastic. Grandma Fantastic helps us to learn new and exciting words. So far, we have been introduced to the following words: crushed, devastated, gloomy, troubled. Can you use these words at home too?

In Maths, we have been exploring odd and even numbers. We have used the Number blocks to help us understand.

I have attached some exciting information about our new reading incentive. Will you be the first family to take home the treat hamper?

Good luck!




We hope you had a lovely Easter and are looking forward to welcoming you back on Tuesday 16th April. 

Useful information and reminders:

- P.E will be on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

- Our farm trip will be on Wednesday 17th April. Please see previous memo/email about what you need to know for the visit.

- Children MUST read at least three times a week and reads need to be logged on Boom Reader. Please keep your eyes peeled for a new reading incentive in Reception!

- Water in bottles please.

- With the warm weather now apporaching please can all children have spare clothes in their bag due to water play being available every day. Please can all children have a sun hat and ensure sun cream is applied before school when the weather is hot.

Thank you for your support!