
Autumn Term 2021

W.C. 6.12.2021

In English this week we have been busy drafting our BFG inspired fantasy narratives. We have been focusing on including: adverbials, similes, expanded noun phrases, conditional sentences and direct speech. It's been great to see the children use their imagination in these stories! Next week we will be publishing and featuring finding!

In Maths, we have finished our unit on addition and subtraction, taken our end of unit assessment and begun our next unit on multiplication and division. We have been busy recapping our Year 2 knowledge first to make sure our understanding is strong! We have worked on equal groups, knowing the multiplication symbol, repeated addition and how to use arrays.

In Science, we have learnt about how igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are formed and how we can recognise the difference between them. We have also learnt about what else is formed under the ground including diamonds, gold and fossils!

In RE, we have understood what symbols of worship we may see in a Church including on the Vicar's cassock. We were able to use our previous knowledge of worship in a church and link this to the symbols.

In Music, we have been continuing to practice our song 'Go Go Go Joseph'. We are getting much more expressive and confident on the lyrics - we've even started adding in actions to improve the performance.

Next week is a very busy but exciting week - don't forget on Wednesday we have our Panto trip and on Friday we have our Christmas Fayre!

Homework this week will consist of reading and spelling only.

W.C 29.11.2021

This week, I have been extremely grateful for the help of Hayley and Mrs Parkin who have stepped in while I've been off - they are true superstars!

For English, we have continued to complete work on the BFG including writing a letter explaining our likes and dislikes of the story, using fronted adverbials to explain our plan to stop the giants and even planning our own story based on a fantasy like this one!

In Maths, we have been continuing our work on addition and subtraction by looking at adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers with exchanges. We are getting much better at making sure that we look at whether we need to exchange first rather than just doing them automatically.

In Geography, we have looked at a country settlement and compared it to a city settlement. We explored the different sorts of land use we would see in each of these places and considered the benefits and disadvantages of living there.

In History, we explored the impact of iron in the advancement of human civilisation in Britain. We discovered that this was the point that people then started to call the time the 'Iron Age'. We looked at village life of ordinary people including the hill forts they lived in, their beliefs and the tribal lifestyle.

On Friday, we created our crafts for the Christmas Fayre and started to practice our Music song 'Go Go Go Joseph'.

We have also been extremely busy completing our assessments this week to see how much progress we have made since September!


In English this week, we have continued with reading the BFG and doing lots of fun activities based on it! We have learnt how to use similes to compare on thing to another, written a recipe specifically for giants, tried out different words for said and written a diary entry from Sophie's perspective discussing her plan!

In Maths, we have continued to work on column methods for addition and subtraction. We are now able to do this week 2 and 3 digit numbers, some with exchanges as well! We are getting much more confident at tackling these problems but must make sure to keep our columns in the right places and look for the symbols.

In Science, we have experimented with the question 'are all rocks the same?'. We looked at several different rocks and compared them based on their appearance, whether they are maleable or not and their density too.

In Geography, we have looked at different settlements ranging from a hamlet to a city. We looked at their features and compare them to one another. We know that city has to have a cathedral to be classed as a city! 

We've also had a lot of fun with visitors and trips this week! On Wednesday, we have our Music in Residence day where we got to play the steel drums - we learnt to play Shape of You! We also had a small visit to St. Deny's and learnt more about the symbols we would see in the church!


This week has been very busy - it was lovely to catch up with lots of parents on Wednesday and share what we have been doing so far this year and celebrate lots of progress.

In English, we have published our Big Writes and then completed a DIRT task with a focus on different ways to start our sentences. After, we began our new book of the BFG! We started by using expanded noun phrases to describe the shadowy figure that Sophie saw, improved some basic sentences and wrote a wanted poster for our very own giant!

In Maths, we have continued to use different mental methods to add numbers together and have also tried to use column method to add larger numbers. We are slowly getting to grips with how to use exchanges properly when we add and subtract.

In Science, we have explored the layers of the Earth. We know that there is the lithosphere which is made up of the crust and the mantle. There is also the inner core and outer core. Did you know that the inner core is a liquid layer?!

In Music, we have begun our new topic by exploring the musical 'Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat'. We learnt about the story line and the links to the Bible. We also appraised a performance of the song "Any Dream Will Do" considering the technical, musical and performance elements. 

In Art, we have looked at how we can change the value of watercolours by adding water, experimenting with dry on dry and wet on wet techniques and mixing colours with white and black.

We also really enjoyed 'Prank the Teachers' on Friday - it was great to see all the children dressed up and have a great time!

W.C. 8.11.2021

I have been very impressed with how the children have slotted straight back into our routines after two weeks off!

In English, we have been continuing our unit on 'The Heart and The Bottle' by drafting, editing and beginning to write up our narratives based on our own version of the story. We've been working hard to make sure we include: adverbs, conjunctions, words with prefixes, words with suffixes and synonyms for less interesting words. We will be finding these features next week before we complete our improvement tasks!

In Maths, we have started our work on addition and subtraction. We have been recapping previous methods including using number lines and partitioning numbers. We have been having to use our number bonds to ten to help us do this more easily! We began with 2 digit numbers and are steadily moving onto 3-digit numbers!

In RE, we have explored symbolic acts which we may see in a Christian Church. We explored the story of the Last Supper and understood why Christians celebrate Holy Communion. We have also considered what Christians would be thankful for, what they would pray for and how they would help others.

In History, we have learnt about the advancement from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We have learnt that better tools and weapons were able to be made and farming was introduced which made living in one place easier. 

In PE, our unit is dance! We began by exploring our movements to different styles of music including the speed and levels. We then looked at some images from the Stone Age and used these to inspire our starting and ending position freeze frames.

What a busy week!

Reminder: Parents' Evening is this Wednesday (17/11/21).


W.C. 11.10.2021

In English this week, we have been exploring how we can use adjectives to add impact to our work. We thought about how the girl would think about herself when she was older and how the younger girl would see her. We used these adjectives to describe the characters in sentences, using as many -ous words as we could! After this, we sequenced the events in the story using conjunctions, adverbs and adjectives. We have also been exploring how words ending in -ness change from adjectives to nouns before exploring the effect -ly has!

In Maths, we have continued to explore number. We have compared numbers and know that we must always look at the highest valued column first! If they are the same, then we need to look at the next column. We used this knowledge to order more than two numbers! 

In Geography, we have explored how the land in Lincolnshire has been used. We know that a primary use for the land is farming but also understand the role that the Royal Air Force plays in our local area. We know that there are many industries and that these change!

In Science, we have learnt about the bones in the skeleton and have even learnt some of the scientific names for them too. We know that the skeleton protects our organs and without them, we would fall over! 

On Friday, we celebrated Black History Month by looking at the work of artist Alma Woodsey Thomas. We learnt about the struggles she faced when she was growing up and how her art kept her happy. We then tried to replicate her work ourselves.

W.C. 4.10.2021

In English, we have published our final versions of our narratives and also completed a DIRT task based on areas we need to keep working on. We have since started our new text: The Heart and The Bottle. We started by looking at the clues from the story to pose questions and use the evidence to justify our inferences, understood how to use the prefixes un-, mis- and dis- and used synoynms for sad and happy.

In Maths, we have finished our work on position and direction and begun our work on place value. We can now count in hundreds, understand the place value of three digit numbers and can use partitioning and practical equipment to represent them.

In Science, we have looked at what our bodies do with the energy we get. We know that protein is good for helping us grow and building our muscles and carbohydrates are used for a slow release of energy.

In History, we have explored how our understanding of the Stone Age is changing with the new discoveries that are made. We compared our first ideas of Stone Age people like Fred Flintstone and the Croods to the discoveries such as Cheddar Man and realised why our ideas are changing.

In Art, we have used what we have learnt about vanishing points and horizon lines to create our own 3D perspective drawing.

We also had an interactive virtual visit to parliament this week - this was great as we got to learn lots about our government.

On Friday, we were full of sunshine in our school as we all wore yellow to support World Mental Health Day.

W.C. 27.9.2021

Can you believe we are already half way through the term?!

In our English work, we have been continuing to draft our 'Leon and the Place Between' inspired stories making sure to include what we have learnt this year! We have also done some FAB partner work to edit our writing and begun to identify the features we have used. Next week, we will write these up neatly, complete a DIRT task and then move on to our next text!

In Maths, we have been busy learning about position and direction. We can explain what an anti-clockwise and clockwise turn is and we are getting very good at giving directions to explain how to get from one point to another. We will complete our assessment on Monday.

In Geography, we have been working EXTREMELY hard to locate and name the counties in the UK. Did you know a county in a smaller part of the UK which is led by the local government? They are responsible for education, policing and many other rules!

In R.E., we have looked at the story of Jesus' baptism. We have been able to locate the different symbols which are seen in the story such as the dove and the water and could explain what they meant. It was great to see the children link back to our previous learning.

On Wednesday, we had so much fun celebrating Holi festival! We got to take part in Bollywood dancing, learnt about the story of Holi, paint using the symbolic colours and have our fun powder throwing afternoon.

W.C. 20.9.2021

In English this week, we have been getting to grips with using speech and punctuating it correctly when we turn it into direct speech! Also, we have been busy planning and drafting our very own stories based on Leon and the Place Between. I've been loving reading what we've got so far and have enjoyed seeing the children use all the skills they've learnt!

In Maths, we have come to the end of our unit on properties of shape. The children have been able to sort 3D shapes, identify faces, edges and vertices and have completed their assessments!

In Science, we tied in our work with Roald Dahl Day and looked at healthy eating. We explored the five food groups and understood why it's important we don't have too much of any type of food. We created our own balanced food plates and then compared it to what the Twits may have eaten!!!

In History, we have learnt about the first humans in Britain - the hunter gatherers! We have used our historical enquiry skills to look at sources of evidence and work out what these types of people were like. We know that they hunted their food with sharpened spears and gathered berries and even ate nettles!

In PSHE, we have been discussing why we have rules and what is needed for a school to run well. We designed our own dream and nightmare school too!

W.C. 13.9.2021

This week, we've continued to work hard. I've been super impressed with how the children have continued to get to grips with the expectations of Key Stage 2!

In English, we have used noun phrases (including abstract and concrete nouns!), inferred characters thoughts and feelings and have created conditional sentences using 'if' and modal verbs!

In Maths, we have continued to learn about the properties of 2D shapes, explored symmetry and created patterns! We have since moved onto exploring the properties of 3D shapes too which we will continue next week.

In Science, we have learnt about how humans get their food and how this is different from plants - we can't make our own! We created food chains to explain how energy is transferred and learnt that we are consumers not producers.

In PE we have worked on our symmetry and assymetry in gymnastics. We tried different balances and some of us even began to use travelling! We worked in partners to create lots of interesting balances! 

In RE we have learnt about the symbol of the trinity and understood why this is important to Christians. We know that there are 3 parts to the trinity: The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit and how they teach Christians important values.

In Music, we have begun to learn about our new topic of Northern Indian Classical Music - we looked at the features of the music including ragas and drones.

In Art, we have learnt how before the 16th century, 3D perspectives were rarely used and how this changed art. We are going to experiment with vanishing points next week.


We have PE on Monday and Thursday in this coming week.

Roald Dahl Day is Wednesday - we can't wait to see your costumes!

W.C. 6.9.2021

Wow, what a great first week of Year 3 we have had! We have been busy settling into our new routines, re-familiarising ourselves with school expectations and getting back to normal. We've even been able to get back to some normal things like whole school assemblies!

We've also been very busy this week completing our base line assessments to see what we know and what areas we need a little extra help with.

In English, we started our first book - Leon and the Place Between. We have started by using clues to work out that the story was about a circus, helping the author to improve some sentences and using movement vocabulary to describe watching the jugglers!

In Maths, we are starting by recapping properties of shape. We have been looking at the properties of 2D and 3D shapes and starting to order and organise them based on this. I've been very impressed with the children's knowledge!

In History, we started by exploring what life was like before and after the last Ice Age including understanding that one-third of the Earth was covered in ice and that we used to be able to walk to Europe! In Geography, we have looked at the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and discussed key features of these countries. 

It's been lovely to start to get to know all of you! 

Reminder: From tomorrow (13.9.2021), homework will be given out on a Monday and expected back on a Friday. This includes: 3 x reading a week, spellings and times table practice.

PE is currently on Tuesday and Thursdays (keep an eye out for texts in case this changes!)