
Summer Term 2022

PE this term os on a Thursday and a Friday, which is swimming. 

W/C 4th July

We have been busy rehearsing for our fabulous nautical adventure play! Please don't miss the show on Wednesday 20th July at 18:00 for an 18:15 start. 


W/C 27th June

This week we have begun our preparations for the play. We are very excited to show you what we can do in our performance. (Which will be the evening of 20th July!) It's been a strange Friday with the children out having their secondary school taster days. I hope they all have fun! 


W/C 20th June

This week we have been finalising our writing for assessment. The children have written some amazing stories about The Twits and created some interesting balanced arguments about the pros and cons of dogs being able to talk. I'm so proud of the efforts that the children have put in to this assessment over the last few weeks. 

W/C 13th June

This week we have been focusing on writing letters of complaint to the laundrette from our work last week about all our missing socks (which have turned in to fish). 

We have also looked at the circulatory system in our Science lessons. 


W/C 6th June

Our writing this week has focused on creating a persuasive leaflet encouraging people to visit a play zone. We have also written some amazing adventure stories about a girl who discovers an underwater world in a laundrette. 


W/C 23rd May

This week the children have blown me away with a diary based on the experiences of a soldier during the battle of the Bulge. They have also been writing diaries based on a child's adventure in a play zone. 


W/C 16th May

This week we have been focusing on our writing - we have written some amazing descriptions based on Alma and followed these up with newspaper reports on missing children in a village. 


W/C 9th May 


SATs are now over and we are very proud of you. Looking forward to doing loads of Topic work and the Play with you all. 


W/C 25th April

This week we have been focusing on Reading and Maths - looking at being ready for our SATs. We have played some different Maths and English games and worked hard at self assessment and working on our own areas of weakness. 

On Friday we began our Swimming unit and undertook our first swimming assessment. 


W/C 20th April

Welcome back Year 6! This week we have started exploring the themes of our new English book, 'The Invention of Hugo Cabret'. We have been writing using modal verbs and contractions. 

We have spent a lot of time this week doing practice SATs papers and have enjoyed playing some Maths and English games. 

On Friday, we took part in the festival of water 'Songkran' which is the Thai New Year. We learnt about the festival and then enjoyed a water fight, with the rest of the school on the field!