
Spring Term 2021

WC. 15.3.21

A great week year 1!

You have come back this week with a great attitude to your learning. You have been trying really hard with your lessons and have been showing a fantastic positive attitude to the wider life and ethos of the school.

In English we have been continuing with our learning of ‘I want my hat back’, investigating different syllables with words and how we can use these syllables to make a beat. We had lots of fun experimenting with the beats and syllables and created a class rap. We practiced our rapping skills and preformed for the class.

Maths has seen us continuing to explore the number 20. We have been looking at adding up to 20 by counting on and using number lines as well as looking at number bonds. Within this we also looked at the relationship between number bonds to 10 and number bonds to 20.

We have been having great fun in Topic this week looking at the roles and jobs that could be seen in medieval castles. After learning about the different roles within the castle walls, a queen came to visit us and we all had roles to play. The queen was very good at bossing us around the castle and making us do our jobs. Some of us were cooks, candle makes, heralds, carpenters and many more.


Please remember phonics books must be returned on a Friday so that they can be isolated over the weekend.

W.C 8.3.21

A fantastic week year 1, we are super proud!

We want to say a massive welcome back to all of our children in Year 1 this week. You have all come back and tried really hard. You have been playing with your friends and talking all about your time during lock down.

This week we have started our new book ‘I want my hat book’ and explored where bear’s hat has gone and we have created some freeze frames to show the conversation that happen between bear and rabbit.

In Maths we have been recapping counting forwards and backwards to and from 20 as we well as looking at how to partition different numbers into tens and ones.

In Topic we are very excited to start our teaching on castles. We have been finding out all about the different types of castles that have been built and have even been placing them on a timeline


Week commencing 1.3.21

We have made it!

Well done year 1 we have officially made It to the end of our live learning. You have all done amazingly and have tried really hard learning from home and in class. We are all really proud of you.

This week we have finished the end of our book ‘The dinosaurs and all that rubbish’. We have done some brilliant work about commands and verbs and have created some beautiful booklets and leaflets on how to help to man to keep the planet safe and clean.

In maths we have continued with looking at numbers to 50 and have explored partitioning our numbers into tens and ones, to help us explore the largest and smallest numbers and how we can order them in size order.

In topic we have continued to look at the different continents and have explored places like North and South America as well as Asia and Africa.

This week we have also had Mr Motivator join us again for a morning work put and have had a great time on world book day.

For World Book day we had a World book day catwalk where we showed all of our friends our costumes and enjoyed seeing our friends on Live. The adults came as characters from ‘The dinosaur that pooped the princess’ which the children found really funny. We also read the story and the children joined in with actions.

 We are really looking forward to having all the children back at school and can’t wait to see you all on Monday morning.

