
Spring Term 2024

W.C 25th March - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Another week down, time really does fly! This week in English, we have been writing our own version of 'The Owl and the Pussy-cat' poem, we have even used rhyme too. This has been tricky, but we have done such a great job.

In Maths, we have continued with our unit of time. We have been learning about how many minutes in an hour, how many hours in a day and telling the time to 5 minutes again. We have tried so hard, it's taken a lot of time to get here but we've done it!!

In the afternoons this week, we have neem learning about being healthy in PSHE. We have learnt about eating healthy, keeping our bodies healthy by relaxing and exercising and also about medicine safety at home. 

On Wednesday afternoon, we had PE with Mr Godson and Guided Reading with Mrs Freeman. 

Thursday - Miss Cragg

We've crammed a lot into our last day before the Easter break. In English we have assessed our understanding of capital letters, editing a poem that Miss Cragg wrote out incorrectly with them all over the place! We are confident when editing our work, spotting mistakes and changing them with our purple pens.

In Maths we have completed our learning about time (thank goodness!!) and have started our next block learning about statistics. Today's lesson was all about tally charts, how to read them and how to make them. In Science we looked at how the sunflower seeds we planted have grown and compared the ones which had all of the conditions they needed to the ones who we gave no sunlight, no soil and no water to. We managed to squeeze in a quick spelling test after assembly and also did some guided reading. 

Have a wonderful break, eat as much chocolate as you possibly can and we'll see you on Tuesday 16th April!

W.C 18th March - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

This week we've been busy! In Maths, we have been learning the time. We have been practising telling the time to o'clock, half past, quarter to and past, and even 5 to and past. This has been tricky stuff, but we have done amazing!

In English, we have continued with our poem 'Owl and the Pussycat'. We have been adding prefixes onto words, writing in the past progressive form, and using synonyms.

In History, we have learnt about the Concorde and why they were amazing flying objects. We also learnt why they are no longer being used anymore. In Geography, we have been looking at the temperature in the polar regions and compared the temperature to the UK.

On Wednesday afternoon, we had PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.

Thursday and Friday - Miss Cragg

Telling the time has been testing us but we are trying our best and doing so well. Please continue to practice at home, it makes all the difference. We have been learning how to tell the time past the hour and to the next hour, it's hard work but it's paying off and we're making excellent progress.

In English we have planned and begun writing our latest Big Write, this time based on the poem 'The Owl and the Pussycat' which we have been studying these last few weeks. We have been thinking of lots of rhyming words, making sure we start each new sentence on a new line and really concentrating on our capital letters and punctuation. 

In Science our sunflower seeds have germinated and are beginning to grow! This week we have been learning about the right conditions needed for a seed to germinate and how to look after our plants as they get bigger and bigger. We've done some more guided reading practice to prepare us for the SATs reading tests and have completed our spelling test. 

On Friday afternoon instead of our PE lesson we celebrated the Hindu festival of Holi! We all had so much fun throwing powder paint packets over each other and made quite sure that the field looked like a rainbow.

Spellings for our final test of the half term on Thursday 28th March are:

careless, useless, playful, homeless, thankful, hopeless, spotless, helpful, careful, wonderful

Have a great weekend, one more week to go!

W.C 11th March - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

This week in English, we started our new book 'The Owl and the Pussycat'. We have been using conjunctions to join sentences together, using commas in a list and adding suffixes -less -ful onto words and then creating sentences using them.

In Maths, we have looked at unit and non-unit fractions, recognising a half and 2 quarters are the same and recognising three quarters. 

In History this week, we looked at why the first manned space flight was such a special moment in History. We then looked at key moments of manned space flight over the years. Then in Geography this week, we learnt about the equator. We also looked at different areas around the world and what temperature they would be in Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter and compared them.

On Wednesday, we had PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.

Thursday and Friday - Miss Cragg

Last push now Year 2, almost there! In Maths at the end of the week we've finished off our learning about fractions by looking at how to count in fractions up to a whole, we're really using our mathematical language and thinking about quarters, halves, thirds and wholes as well as comparing fractions such as two quarters being the same as a half or two halves being the same as a whole. We've then started our new unit of Maths looking at time to o'clock and half past. Any practical practice you can do at home whilst we are learning how to tell the time would be very much appreciated as it is a tricky thing to master!

In English we've looked at a different way of using apostrophes this week, rather than using them to show belonging we've been using them in contractions such as cannot - can't, will not - won't, I will - I'll, etc. We then wrote sentences changing the root words to contractions. We've also come back to look at capital letters, identifying them in our new poem, 'The Owl and the Pussycat' and thinking about why they are used. We then wrote sentences with a variety of capital letter uses.

In Science we continued to learn about plants, this week thinking about how we could plant a seed and what it would need to help it grow. I'm sure you've already seen our beautiful faces planting sunflower seeds in our classroom in the post on Facebook! They will stay in our windowsill for a couple of weeks so we can watch their germination and first growth but they cannot be planted outside until May when the weather gets a little warmer. We will have to have a competition to see whose sunflower grows the biggest!

We've also done PE looking at ways to spin using our bodies and completed some guided reading and a spelling test. Spellings for Friday 22nd March are:

pay, enjoy, agree, achieve, adjust, dark, rude, sad, great, kind

See you next week!

W.C 4th March - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

This week in English, we have been writing a narrative independently based on our novel 'The Minpin's'. We have successfully written a beginning, middle and end to our story. We have done such a great job; our teachers are so impressed!

In Maths we are continuing on with Fractions, we have been finding a half and then recognising and finding a quarter. We have tried really hard this week and understood the terms half and quarter.

In History this week, Year 2 have been learning about how flight has changed. When flying first began in 1950, flying was very expensive, and the turbulence was on another level! When food was served, it was served on china plates and usually very fancy food, nowadays, things are very different- especially in economy.

On Wednesday afternoon, we did PE with Mr Godson and Art with Mrs Freeman.

Thursday and Friday - Miss Cragg

We've jumped straight in this week with editing our Big Write that we completed, writing our own versions of the Minpins story. We have completed an activity about capital letters, as some of us are just popping them in all over the place! We know that capital letters appear at the start of sentences and for names of people and places. We edited and improved our highlighted sentences with correct capital letters and beautiful handwriting. In Maths we've continued to learn about fractions, this time looking at thirds and finding the whole. 

We had a lovely art lesson with Miss Cragg this week too, looking at paper art. We learned about the techniques of tearing, cutting, scrunching, rolling and folding and had the opportunity to practise using all of these techniques, sticking our examples into our books and then using all of these skills to create our own art work.

We squeezed in a PE lesson joining up with Year 6 to work on some of our dance moves and a spelling test.

Here are the words for the test on Friday 15th March:

television, treasure, usual, measure, pleasure, decision, vision, leisure, version, visual

Have a great weekend!

W.C 26th February - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

This week has been really tough, we have worked really hard practising our SATs testing this week. We have done amazingly and Mrs Barratt is so proud of us!! We have completed 2 x maths papers, 2 X reading papers and a spelling paper, well done Year 2.

On Monday afternoon, we were really lucky to have Guy Glaves in to visit us in Year 2. Guy is a pilot who flies large Boeing planes all over the world for British Airways. He showed us lots of pictures of places he had been and then showed us a day in the life of a pilot. This was such a good experience for us and now there are lots of aspiring pilots in Year 2.

On Tuesday afternoon, we did some sugar art. We used glace icing to create a good consistency to ice biscuits and then added food colouring too, they were delicious!

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 2 had PE with Mr Godson and guided reading with Mrs Freeman.

Thursday and Friday - Miss Cragg

Wow these weeks are flying by aren't they! Another week done. We've tried so hard with our practice SATs tests this week, completing a grammar test on Thursday and a Science test on Friday. We've also fitted some English lessons in, learning how to write in the progressive form using are/is and verbs which end in 'ing', and we have planned our next Big Write which will take place next week. We've made some interesting changes to 'The Minpins' including changing Little Billy to Little Lily and the Gruncher monster to the 'Scream-Eater'! Sounds scary Year 2! We can't wait to read them next week. 

We've completed a Science lesson learning about seed dispersal and done some guided reading, a lovely poem about looking up at the sky through the leaves of a tree. We've had our spelling test and been trying to make full turns in our PE lesson. 

Spellings for our next test are:

word, work, worm, world, worth, warm, war, towards, warn, warned.

Back to the normal routine next week, phew! Have a great weekend!

W.C 19th February - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Welcome back Year 2, we hope you have had a lovely rest.

We have kicked back into the term with a bang! In Maths, we have been measuring the capacity of liquid in litres, measuring temperature on a thermometer and then moved onto our new Maths unit of Fractions - finding the parts and whole. We have worked hard this week in Maths and Mrs Barratt is so impressed.

In English, we have continued with our book 'The Minpins'. We have looked at using the conjunction, but,  to compare sentences to describe the Minpins. We then used suffixes -er and -est adding to root words to explain the Minpins and Little Billy. On Wednesday, we looked at writing in past tense. We are really enjoying this book :-). 

This week in History, we learnt about who Amy Johnson was and why she is remembered. Did you know, she was the first female pilot to fly solo from the UK all the way to Australia?

In Geography, we have been learning about the seasons and how seasonal and daily weather differs all the time.

On Wednesday afternoon, Mr Godson did tennis with Year 2 and Mrs Freeman did Art with us.

A great start to the week, good job Year 2.

Thursday and Friday - Miss Cragg

We've ended the week on a high, well done Year 2! In English we've had some ups and downs. Learning about how to use possessive apostrophes was really hard although we tried our best. But learning about conjunctions was a breeze, we used conjunctions in our writing about our new story, the Minpins, to link sentences together. In Maths we've continued to learn about fractions by thinking about equal and unequal groups as well as discovering halves. We know that equal groups are exactly the same and that half is one part of two groups, we've even talked about denominators and numerators!

In Science we have begun learning about our new topic: Plants. In our lesson this week we have discussed what plants need to germinate and grow, they need air, sun, water, nutrients from the soil and warmth. We have begun to think about how seeds are formed and how they spread as well as the life cycle of a plant. We will have the opportunity to plant our own seeds in the coming weeks and watch them as they grow. We squeezed in a quiz in RE to assess our understanding of the Five Pillars of Islam and a gymnastics PE lesson where we completed a half turn by jumping. A spelling test rounded off our week and here are the spellings for the next test on Friday 1st March:

want, watch, wander, wand, quality, quantity, wasps, squash, squat

Have a great weekend!

W.C 5th February - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday

Last week of term has hit us, phew! 

In English this week, we have started our new book 'The Minpins'. This has been a fun book to get into! So far we have looked at predicting events, using noun phrases to create a description and then using subordinating conjunctions to join sentences together. We are excited to find out what is in the Forest of Sin later on this week!

In Maths, we have been continuing with measure and comparing mass, measuring in grams and kilograms. We have worked hard to read scales especially when we have to work out what the scale is going up in. We are really enjoying learning about measure.

In Geography, we looked at the human and physical features of Sleaford and Skegness and comparing them. This was fun because we looked at lots of photos of Sleaford and then Skegness and had to sort them into physical and human features. 

On Wednesday, we had PE with Mr Godson and drawing pictures of the Spittler from our English book 'The Minpins' with Ms Liston in Art. A great first half of the week, well done Year 2!

Miss Cragg - Thursday and Friday

We made it! Last week of half term, yay! In English this week we've been adding suffixes to nouns and talking about disappointment, amazment, happiness and more. We've also been using the book to identify verbs and thinking about all the ways Little Billy and the scary smoke move. In Maths we've been using those four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division but this time with mass, then we reminded ourselves of the inequality symbols when we were comparing volume and capacity.

In Science we did an exciting experiment with some slices of bread! We were talking about the importance of good hygiene, particularly hand washing. We touched a slice of bread with unwashed hands, then we washed them really carefully with soap and warm water then touched another slice of bread. The final slice no-one touched so we can use that as a comparison slice! I wonder what will happen to the slices of bread? In RE we covered our final Pillar of Islam; Hajj, where Muslims travel to Mecca in Saudi Arabia on a pilgrimage and all of the special events that take place there. In Music we played our instruments along with the mythical creatures music and we also completed our spelling tests. 

Have a restful and safe half term Year 2!

W.C 29th January 2024 - Mrs Barratt - Monday - Wednesday 

Another week done. In English this week, we have completed our Big Write- a non-chronological report all about Bears! We have worked so hard this week to write lots of facts all about bears, including appearance, habitat, types of bears and food they eat. A great job done by all Year 2, well done!

In Maths this week, we have started our new unit of work - Measure. We started the week off by learning about centimetres and measuring using a ruler. Then we measured in metres using a metre stick, we had to work out to see if a bus could fit inside our classroom. We knew a bus was 12m long, we measured our classroom, and it was only 7m so we knew that it wouldn't fit. However, we then measured the school hall, and a bus would fit!!

In History this week, we looked at the Wright brothers and what they managed to achieve. The brothers invented the first man powered aeroplane, we acted out their success and failures. Then we learnt about the RAF and how flight has changed- we learnt about the Biplane, Lancaster Bomber and the Typhoon. 

In Geography, we looked at the human and physical features at the beach, we learnt some new vocabulary of features to spot including, coastal defences, piers, arches and stacks. 

On Wednesday, Mr Godson took us for PE and Mrs Freeman took us for our Art.

Miss Cragg - Thursday and Friday

In English we've been editing and improving our Big Writes by focusing on our handwriting, we are using long ascenders and descenders as well as making sure we have big capital letters to start our sentences and full stops to end them. We looked at the highlighted sentences in our work to write out again with beautiful handwriting and correct spellings. In Maths we've moved on to ordering lengths and heights and also using the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division with lengths and heights too. Hard work but someone has to do it!

We've squeezed in an RE lesson learning about the fourth Pillar of Islam in our RE lesson which is all about Ramadan. We learned that during this holy month, Muslims do not eat or drink during daylight hours. We had a Music lesson looking at mythical animals and places in the United Kingdom, a spelling test and a Science lesson learning about the importance of exercise on our bodies. What a week!

W.C 22nd January 2024

Another crazy week, done. In English this week we have continued with our new book, ‘Bear Under the Stairs’. We have put the events of the story into the correct order and retold it, used the conjunctions ‘but’ and ‘and’ to join sentences together to extend them and we have learned some facts about different types of bears and used them to distinguish between fact and fiction. We know that bears cannot talk, do not wear clothes, don’t live in cottages and definitely don’t eat porridge! We have used some of our real facts about bears to write a plan ready for our Big Write next week which will be a fact file leaflet.

In Maths we have been finishing off our learning about multiplication and division, learning about the 5 and 10 times tables. We have been using our knowledge to answer questions using arrays and number sentences as well as sharing and grouping. Next week we will be moving on to learning about measuring, looking at cm and m initially.

In RE we looked at the third pillar of Islam, Zakat. We know that Muslims give part of their earnings and savings to charities which help the poor and needy, and we know the reasons for this is to cleanse them from selfishness and greed. In Science we compared surviving to being healthy, discussing exercise, a healthy diet, sleep, water and good hygiene and the impact these things have on our bodies. We talked about eating a range of fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates and protein sources, getting at least an hours exercise a day and drinking 6 glasses of water. We have healthy bodies! Speaking of moving our bodies we’ve had PE this week including dancing with Ms Cheryl from Dance Lobo and games with Mr Godson. We’ve done PSHE, Music with instruments and art as well as our weekly spelling test.

Here are our spellings for the test on Friday 2nd February:

all, ball, almost, call, already, always, fall, small, also, bald

Have a super weekend!

W.C 15th January 2024

Welcome to week 4,267 of January! Almost there folks, another week down. This week we have started our new book in English, called ‘Bear Under the Stairs’. So far we have looked at statements, commands, exclamations and questions, identified homophones in the story and written sentences using them, written about what we used to be afraid of (as William in the story is a little bit of a scaredy-cat) and written two letters, one asking for advice from William’s friend Jack and one giving the advice back. In Maths we’ve continued to learn about multiplication and division, making equal groups by sharing and grouping, looking at the 2 times table, dividing by 2 as well as doubling and halving. We don’t do things by halves in Year 2 and seem to have double the work most of the time!

REMINDER: PE is now on Mondays and Wednesdays.

In History this week we learned about the Montgolfier brothers and their experiments and invention of the hot air balloon, then we designed our own balloons. In Geography we looked at coastal towns in Lincolnshire and had great fun exploring Google maps, labelling maps of our own with a key. In Science we continued with our topic about our bodies, this time looking at what humans need to survive and planning what we would need if we were ever washed up on a desert island. There was a big difference about what we needed and what we wanted! In RE we continued to learn about the Five Pillars of Islam, with Salah this week, which is prayer. Art, PE and a spelling test rounded off our week. Speaking of spellings, here they are for the test on Friday 26th January.

hummed, clapped, wrapped, ripped, dragged, patted, dropped, clipped, napped, drummed

Mrs Barratt is looking forward to seeing you on Monday! Miss Cragg will see you on Wednesday.

W.C 8th January 2024

Our first full week back and we’ve certainly packed a lot in! In English it was the final week of our book, ‘House Held up by Trees’. We planned and wrote a newspaper article about an eye witness discovering the house for the first time. The grown ups were very impressed with how our writing is progressing and there were some lovely articles produced. Time to edit our work adding in any capital letters or full stops we’ve missed and a lesson on extending our sentences with conjunctions. We’re starting a new book on Monday. Speaking of starting, we’re looking forward to welcoming back Mrs Barratt next week as she will be returning from maternity leave and taking over on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays again like Mrs Lawson used to. Poor Miss Cragg is very tired and is looking forward to dropping back down to part time again from 3 months of full-time work!

In Maths we’ve continued to work on multiplication and division, looking at making and adding equal groups, introducing ourselves to the multiplication symbol, writing multiplication number sentences and looking at arrays. We are working so hard to understand this and any additional work on our times tables would support us in our current learning. We are using 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, 3’s and 4’s.

In History we started our new topic of flight, learning about Leonardo Da Vinci and his plans for flying machines. In Geography we started a new topic about beaches, looking at the seas around the United Kingdom and using an atlas to label these on a map. In RE we started to learn about a new religion called Islam, we began looking at the first of the Five Pillars of Islam, Shahadah, which is the declaration of faith all Muslims make. In Science we started our new topic of learning about our bodies and we looked at how we change as we grow from a baby to a toddler to a child to a teenager to an adult to an elderly person. PE has changed to a Monday and Wednesday now and in our first session of the week we are lucky enough to have Miss Cheryl teaching us dance. Just enough time to squeeze in an art lesson and a spelling test before it was time for the week to end. Our spellings for our next test on Friday 19th January are:

humming, running, clapping, flipping, slipping, patting, dropping, hopping, sitting, wrapping.

Enjoy your weekend!

W.C 3rd January 2024

Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a very festive time off and are ready to go again after a good rest.

We’ve dived straight back in this week, using subordinating and coordinating conjunctions to write about different types of trees, linked to our current book, ‘House Held up by Trees’. We also wrote a for sale advertisement for the house using noun phrases and using ‘with’ to expand our ideas. In Maths we have finished off our learning on Monday and have started multiplication and division with a lesson on recognising equal groups.

On Friday we were incredibly lucky to have Rock Kidz come to visit us and spent the day listening to and joining in with some empowering rock songs. Everyone joined in and had an amazing time.

Just enough time to squeeze in some art, PE, PSHE and a spelling test this week. It’s been short but business as usual for us! Here are the spellings for next Friday 12th January:

Happiest, angriest, driest, tidiest, funniest, happier, angrier, drier, tidier, funnier

Have a great weekend!