
Autumn Term 2023

PE days:

Monday and Tuesday

Please ensure kits come in on the day. 


Will be given out in Friday and due in on the following Friday. 


Please ensure you have read five times a week. 

Pencil Cases:

Please be advised that after Christmas the children require their own pencil cases. These should include - a black or blue pen, a green pen, a purple pen, rulers, rubbers, sharpeners, scissors and glue. 

Week commencing 11/12/23

This week the children completed their own Hansel and Gretel endings. In Maths they began their algebra journeys.

They also created Christmas cards invoving electrical circuits in Design and Technology.

Week commencing 4/12/2023

This week the children continued exploring Hansel and Gretel - focusing on extending their sentence understanding and use of commas as well as making their writing more interesting. In Maths we have looked at problem solving involving ratio and how to adjust ingredient in recipes. 

We looked at the Wars of the Roses in History and explored positive and negative space in art through sculpture. 


Week commencing 27/11/2023

This week The Children continued exploring ratio and moved on to their new Hansel and Gretel English unit with the story retold by Neil Gaiman. 

The Children have worked hard in assessment week alongside all their English and Maths learning. 


Week commencing 20/11/2023

This week The Children have looked at Ratio in Maths and exploring how this is linked to scale factors. They have created their own mythopedias and designed their own mythical beasts to go with them. 

Week commencing 13/11/2023

This week The Children have been continuing their exploration of fractions - looking at how to find fractions of amounts and wholes from fractions. The children continued to expand their skills by  completing work linked to Mythopedia. 


In RE the children looked at how Christian Charities link to Jesus' teachings, they explored how to stay safe during a workshop with the NSPCC and have looked at seasons in Geography. 

Week commencing 6/11/2023

This week The Children have been continuing their exploration of fractions - looking at multiplication and division with fractions. We have started a new text - Mythopedia. Exploring how to create non-chronological anthologies. 

The children continued exploring King John's legacies this week in History.

Week commencing 16/10/2023

This week The Children have been continuing their explorations of fractions. They have completed their own migration narratives based on the arrival and have really impressed with these! 

 In History6 we explored King John's long lasting effect on the monarchy. 

Week commencing 9/10/2023

This week The Children have begun exploring fractions. We have looked at simplifying fractions using the highest common factor and also how we can compare fractions and place them on a numberline. The children have started their final pieces in English and I can't wait to share them with you as they look great. 

We have continued to explore Oliver Twist over the last two weeks - really exploring how the character's think and the motivations behind their actions, as well as the consequences of these. 


The children have investigated what makes Afghanistan a developing country in Geography and they were able to explore negative space during their art work this week. 


Week commencing 2/10/2023 

This week The Children have focused in on division - learning how to divide by two digits, divide using factors and to divide with decimal remainders. The Children have explored 'The Arrival' further in their English lessons and created some great writing showing control of tense and noun phrases modified with prepositions. 


The children have explored how we might classify a variety of animals beyond their classess, debugged a coding programme and attended a First Aid course. 


Week commencing 25/9/2023

This week The Children have looked at multiplication and division. Looking at how to multiply by a two digit number and refreshing our knowledge on division ready to move on and explore it in a more complex way. The children have begun looking at 'The Arrival' by Sean Tan during our writing lessons and we have been exploring how to express what we see and interpret in words. 

 We have enjoyed reading Oliver Twist for our guided reading over the last two weeks and the children have worked hard to really understand the motives and ideas behind the characters. 

In our non-core lessons the children have focused on coding simple games, exploring Russia's location and unique features in Geography, The Beatitudes in RE as well as the Bayeux Tapestry and how reliable a source of evidence it is in our History work. 


Week commencing 18/9/2023

This week The Children have explored addition and subtraction, reviewing what they know and extending their problem solving knowledge. They have completed their Maya essays and I am exceptionally pleased with the work they produced. 


In topic we have explored a timeline of William the Conquerors reign and how we can create different depths of colours using line work in our Art sessions. 


 Week commencing 11/9/2023

This week The Children have continued to explore place value and have begun to apply this themselves before moving on to the four main operations unit with an addition lesson. The children have started to create an analytical essay about the Maya based on our story book 'Rainplayer'. 


The children produced some excellent games in ICT using their coding skills and have begun their History for the year - looking at the monarchy in 1066. The children have explored rhythm in music this week. 

Week Commencing 5/9/2023

It has been an excellent first week back. The children have been eager to learn and engaged in lessons immediately. They have begun to study place value in Maths and are looking at a Maya book 'Rainplayer'.


The children have focused on PSHE in our non core lessons as they have settled in to a new class. They have explored how we classify living things in Science.  They have also looked at How the commandments affect the way Christians lived before exploring the countries in Asia during Geography.