
Autumn Term 2020

Medium Term Plan

Yearly Overview

Online learning

If your child is isolating or unable to attend school, then an overarching best fit curriculum that we will be working to this half term is available on our home learning page. A new timetable will be published weekly.


Children are expected to read at home, with an adult, a minimum of three times a week. This is to develop fluency of reading, vocalbulary and comprehension skills. Please can you make sure reading records are signed and dated. Books will be changed once a week. 


The children will bring home spellings every Monday. Please practice these spellings with your child, ready for a spelling test on a Friday. 

Times tables

The children will bring home times tables every Monday. Please practice thse with your child, ready for a multiplication quiz on a Friday. Practice by chanting them forwards and backwards, then by asking questions in random orders. 

To support with learning timestables, all pupils have a login for the online resource, TT rockstars. This is stuck in the front of their reading records. Please let me know if your child does not have a login.


Weekly homework will be set on Google Classroom. All children have their logins stuck in their reading record, if you need further instructions on how to login and submit work, please let us know. 


W/C 14th December

What an amazing and busy last week of term we have had!!

We have flown through the three and four timestable in Maths, working hard on word problems, trying to decided whether we need to multiply or divide! After the holidays we will be starting with the 8 timestable, so if you want to give your child a head start click the link and try the online lessons!

In English, we have been writing and editting our own giant stories. Everyone has worked really hard on these stories, trying to include fronted adverbials, conjunctions, similes and adverbs!

We have finished our work on the Stone Age by looking at Cave Art. We tried to replicate some of the hand prints that can be found in some Prehistroic caves in Spain, by putting our own twist on it. 

In PE, we completed our Tennis with a House competition, click the link to see the results and some pictures.

Finally, we finished the week with a day of Christmas treats!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

W/C 7th December

We have had a very busy week in Year 3. We have been working really hard in maths, developing our understanding of the 3 times table, looking at using it to multiply and divide by 3. Here's the link to our learning, so you can give your child some extra support at home.

In English, we have finished reading the BFG. The children have throughly enjoyed listening to the BFG and it has helped to us to plan and write the first paragraph of our own giant story. Next week, we will finish our story, edit it and publish. Why not watch the BFG with your child and compare the two versions. It is currently available on BBC iplayer.

In science, we have been learning about sound and how it is made and how we hear. Here are the links to some lessons on Oak National Academy, if your child would like to learn some more about this topic.

To support our understanding of rivers, we went for a walk to the river Slea on Thursday. We walked along the river the Cogglesford Mill, looking at the different physical and human features. We then stopped to sketch the river and surrounding area, we collect some natural materials, which we will use to create a collage of the river next week. 

We finished the week with a 'Santa Dash' the children competed in house teams to see which house could complete the most laps. The results can be found on the Sports News page or by clicking the link:


W/C 30th November

Year 3 have worked hard again this week, even with the excitement of the start of our advent calendar and snow on Friday, we still managed to get some fantastic work completed!

In maths we have been recapping some of the Year 2 work that we missed during lockdown, to ensure we have a good basic knowledge of multiplication and division before we move onto the Year 3 objectives. We have been looking at sharing and grouping, as a way of understanding division. We have also been revisiting the 2 and 5 times tables to support us with mentally solving multiplication and division questions. 

In English, we have continued reading the BFG. We have looked at similes and how Roald Dahl uses them to describe characters in the book. We created our own similes to describe our own giants. We created our own revolting recipes, looking at how to set out our writing appropriately for a set of instructions. 

In Science, we have been looking at the United Kingdom and what countries make up the UK. We have used atlas's to find cities and name the surrounding seas. We have looked at features of a river and will be walking to the river Slea next week, to see what features we can see!


W/C 23rd November

Year 3 have had yet another amazing week, the children have been working so hard in all areas of the curriculum. We have completed our unit in Maths, on addition and subtraction, with our end of unit test. There were some really good results! We have now started our unit on Multiplication and subtraction, looking at equal groups, arrays and number sentences. Have a go at the activity below with your child: Can you match the number sentences to the pictures?

In English, we have read the first six chapters of the BFG! We have written our own description of the BFG, using some of the language that Roald Dahl used, we have even created our own name for a giant, using compound words, noun + verb. Here are some of the names we came up with; Gutsgobbler, Brainchewer, Legcruncher, Heartswallower...Prettty gruesome if you ask me!

Year 3 have enjoyed researching about Skara Brae, this week in Topic. We used a variety of books as well as the internet to help us write our own Fact File. We found out that Skara Brae is a one of Britain’s most fascinating prehistoric villages and is found on the Orkney Islands off the north of Scotland.  Archeologists estimate it was built and occupied between 3000BCE and 2500BCE, during what’s called the ‘Neolithic era’ or ‘New Stone Age’. The village is older than the pyramids and Stonehenge!


W/C 16th November

What a busy week we have had! Year 3 have worked so hard, completing their progress tests in Maths, English and Science, I am extremely proud of every single one of them!

We have also been finishing off our addition and subtraction unit of work, by looking at some problem solving questions. Why not try these questions at home with your child:


Next week, we will be moving onto multiplication and subtraction, why not give your child a head start and watch the videos by clicking the link.

We have also completed our 'Big Write' this week, the children edited and published their 'Dilemma Stories'. Some excellent stories were produced, well done! We will be moving onto our new Novel next week, I don't want to ruin the surprise,  but it is written by a very famous author!!

We had a lovely surprise treat this week, we were visited by M and M productions, who performed a 'Covid safe' Panto for us! This has definitely got us into the Christams spirit early!!

W/C 9th November

Welcome back, I hope you all had a lovely half term!

Year 3 have got back into the swing of things very quickly, we have started the term well! 

In Maths, we have been working hard to complete our unit on addition and subtraction. We have been challenged this week to add two 3 digit numbers and subtract a 3 digot number from another 3 digit number. To support your child further with this, please click the links:

In English, we have planned and written our 'Dilema' Story! Next week we will edit our final draft and publish it!

We have been learning about weapons and tools from the Stone Age, in History. We drew up plans to make our own and sepnt the afternoon on Friday making them. We used saw's and glue guns to attach string, stones and pieces of cardboard (to represent stone) to make our weapons. Here are a few pictures: 


Friday was Children in Need Day. To help raise money for such a good cause, the children came into school wearing odd/silly socks. The school council also decided to 'Prank the teachers'.

Our class representatives chose to draw over the teachers faces in red lipstick! Here are the results of the prank!!


W/C 19th October

A great week leading up to half term and a well deserved break. We have continued to work hard on addition and subtraction in maths, gradually building up to larger numbers using the column method. To support your child's learning with this topic, click the link below:

In English, we have read to the end of our book 'The Heart and the Bottle' by Oliver Jeffers, and have been using the text to support our understanding of suffixes 'ness' and 'ly' and how it changes the meaning and word class. We then moved onto past, present and future and how the verbs change. Have a go at completing the table below with your child. 

In topic, we have been looking at 'What food humnas need?' focusing on why we need food and what types of food we need to enable us to grow, be healthy and strong. We used the 'Eatwell Guide' to help to understand the different food groups and what is needed for a balanced diet. We compared our diet today, to that of someone living in the Stone Age. We talked about the seven different nutrients, and what they do to the body. 



We then looked at food chains and compared food chains today, to those that would typically be found in the Stone Age. Have a look at some videos about Food chains by clicking the link, to support your child learning. 

To end the term, we had a bit of fun with some bow and arrows. This helped us to undertand what it would have been like for a Stone Age 'Hunter-Gatherer'. We realised that using a bow and arrow was quite challenging, and that it would have taken a lot of patience and practice! Here are some pictures of us having a go:


W/C 12th October

Another amazing week in Year 3. We have been working our socks off! We have started our new book in English, 'The heart and the bottle' by Oliver Jeffers. The classroom was set up with an empty chair, a pair of glasses, an open book and a pair of slippers! We asked questions about what we could see to help us to make our own predictions about the book. We have done a lot of work based around the characters feelings, using conjunctions to extend our sentences and explain why. 

In maths, we have been continuing our work on addition and subtraction. We have been really pushing ourselves to get onto the reasoning and problem solving questions. Click the link below to watch the videos, to support your child's learning into next week!

In our topic lessons, we have been looking at what Stone Age people would eat. We focused on the Mesolithic era 'Hunter-Gatherers'. We learnt about the different fiids that Stone Age people would gather and what times of year they would find different types of food. We even had a go! We searched around the school grounds for hidden images of fruits, nuts and seeds that we could 'eat', but we had to be careful, as some were poisonous and would make us sick, some were deadly! 

We also discussed how Stone Age people would cook their food, we learnt they they would cook on a fire. This made us think, how would they make fire without matches and lighters? So we had a go, using flint and steeel! Here are some pictures of us in action!



W/C 5th October

This week we have finished our work on the book 'Leon and the Place between'. We have published our fantasy stories, which we have worked very hard on. Next week we will start a new book! Watch this space to find out the title!

In Maths, we have been recapping some of our learning of addtion and subtraction from Year 2, looking at mental methods. We know how to mentally add and subtract multiples of 100 and have been looking at mental methods of adding and subtracting tens and ones. Next week we will be developing our understanding of column method, addition and subtraction. 

Our Stone Age houses have all been completed and we have evaluated our projects, looking at what we challenges we faced, what we did to overcome these challenges and how we would improve our design. Here are some pictures of a few of our creations: 



W/C 28th September

We have been working hard in Year 3. Our Maths unit on Place Value has come to an end and pupils carried out an end of unit test. Some fantastic scores, well done. We will be moving onto our new unit of addition and subtraction next week. 

In English, we have drafted and edited our big write, our own version of a fantasy story. Next week we will be writing this up in neat, publishing. 

We have spent a lot of time this week building our own Stone Age houses. We have safely used glue guns and saws in the process and will be evaluating our projects next week. 

W/C 21st September

Another great week in Year 3! In Maths, we have continued our learning on place value, looking at 100, 10 and 1 more and less. We have revisited comparing numbers using inequalities symbols, <, > and can now do this with numbers up to 1,000. We have been working hard on ordering numbers, starting with the greatest and with the smallest. Will be finish off plce value next week, with an end of unit assessment. 

In English, we have read the last part of 'Leon and the Place Between' and have been looking at how Leon would feel, before, during and after entering the place between. We then started to plan writing our own fantasy narrative.

We started our learning on the Stone Age this week, initially looking at when the Stone Age happened, and the three different era's of the Stone Age; Palaeolithic - around 3,000,000BC, Mesolithic – around 10,000BC and Neolithic – around 4,500BC – 2,500BC. We looked at how life changed throughout these periods and focused on where they lived and how they made shelters. Did you know that in the Neolithic period some houses used wattle and daub (a mixture of manure, clay, mud and hay stuck to sticks that have been woven in and out of the timber frame) for the walls and had thatched roofs?

W/C 14th September

We have had a fantastic week in Year 3, the children have worked really hard!

In Maths, we have been continuing our work on Place Value. We have looked closey at the value of each digit in a three digit number, and looked at how 10 ten's make one hundred and how 10 hundreds make one thousand. We have been using a variety of ways to represent these numbers, including base 10, counters and place value grids. We looked at number lines and have been able to identify numbers on a variety of different numbers lines.

In English, we have read some more of our book; Leon and the Place Between. Leon entered the place between, so we looked at noun phrases, extended noun phrases and adverbial phrases to describe what he could see, hear, feel and smell. We wrote a description and then edited our own work, to improve it further. 

We have continued our PSHE work this week, looking more closely at relationships. Next week, we will be starting our topic of Stone Age. 

W/C 7th September

Our first full week has now been completed! We have been working hard on our baseline tests, in maths and reading and carried out a cold write!

In maths, we have started our unit on Place Value, starting with a quick recap of our learning in Year 2, on tens and ones. We then looked at counting in hundreds. 

In English, we have started to look at our new book, Leon and the place between. 

We have been using our imagination to describe a circus using our senses and then looked at modifying verbs to create more interesting sentences. 

We have spent a lot of time on PSHE this week, looking at; settling back into school, keeping safe, managing our fears and worries, friendship and what we are grateful for. 

W/C 3rd September

Welcome back. It has been so lovely to see you all after such a long time off school. 

We have settled well into Year 3, spending this week getting used to the new rules and routines! We have done some fun activities this week to help us to get to know each other and to discuss and worries about coming back to school. 

I am very proud of how well you have all adjusted to the 'new normal.'